363 Lei Wu Bei Fights (1/2)

Venerable Mei's World Cage technique was extremely mysterious and couldn't be gauged.

”I want to move. But, they are controlling my movements ah!” Jun Mo Xie rained curses in his heart as he sat in front of Venerable Mei with a smile on his face. He couldn't even control his own facial muscles inside the World Cage's influence.

”Bang! Bang! Bang!” Her feet flew thrice, and three heavy kicks landed on Jun Mo Xie's buttocks. The Young Master Jun cursed in his heart. In fact, he was ready to explode with anger. [Has kicking me become a habit of yours or what…? You damned old pervert!]

He didn't know this, but Venerable Mei's mouth was silently mumbling the same thing over-and-over again behind their veil, ”I'm sure you still wish to spank my buttocks every day! I dare you to knead it again! I dare you to rub my buttocks! I dare you! You repulsive bastard! The tables have turned, and I won't allow you to die that easily!”

She was silently recalling what had happened on one hand. And, she was relentlessly setting her legs loose on the other. In fact, she was milking every bit of satisfaction from kicking him. It seemed that she may even have become addicted to it since she continued to speak those lines in silence as she continued to kick him. The fight between the Snake King and the Fifth Great Master hadn't even begun. But, Jun Mo Xie's posterior had already swollen round. In fact, it had swollen to an unbearable degree, and was almost exploded-open by now.

Dongfang Wen Qing looked-on carefully from the other side. Then, he smiled in relief and said, ”You see? Jun Mo Xie has been smiling this entire time! It seems that something good is happening!”

Jun Wu Yi focused as he looked. Then, he also smiled in relief and spoke, ”That brat is really blessed with good fortune! Such a high-level expert has favored him. Mo Xie is very lucky. The Jun Family is very lucky!”

”Yes. Just look at him smiling like that! It seems he's doing great! I reckon that Venerable Mei has provided him with a lot of benefits!” Dongfang Wen Qing touched his chin with his hand and laughed.

”You don't say! I too would be very happy if I were him! After all, that person is the most skilled person around!” Dongfang Wen Jian glanced at his three brothers. [Is that something that needs to be mentioned? How could anyone not feel good after being favored by such an expert at such a young age?]

[Why weren't we so lucky when we were young?] The three brothers were very jealous. [Our bloodline is very close to this brat…]

However, they were completely unaware that Jun Mo Xie was indeed ”very happy”! In fact, he felt so ”very happy” that he had nearly died of it. He was in so much pain that he wanted to die. His posterior had been attacked to no end, while the rest of his body had repeatedly been twisted. His entire body had reddened, and the pain had reached the depths of his very soul. He wanted to cry, but his face couldn't even show any of those feelings…

His uncles wouldn't have been so jealous if they knew what method was being used on their ”very happy” nephew…

Jun Mo Xie could clearly feel that his posterior had started to resemble a bulging balloon. It had increased to no less than three-or-four times of its original size. And, it still had the tendency to expand further…

[Is this a fu*king butt? Or is this a hot-air balloon?! I would feel like I'd be sitting on a tall chair even I was to sit on a flat land with this butt… ]

And then, there was a sound of some movement from nearby.

”The Cold-Blooded Master, Lei Wu Bei?” the Snake King's voice was quite clear and melodious. It even had a trace of gentleness to it. She blinked her eyes. In fact, she had sounded naïve and inquisitive as she had asked that question.

Her appearance and demeanor had made it seem as if she was a young girl who was naïve in the ways of the world. It had seemed like she was shy at seeing a stranger, and was too bashful to say hello. Nearly every onlooker felt a strong urge to go pat her head and say, ”Little girl is a good little child. Don't be afraid. I will buy you sweets…”

However, her opponent — Lei Wu Bei — would never dare think like that!

The Xuan cultivation of the Xuan Beast Kings were no match for those of the Eight Great Masters; Venerable Mei was the only exception. But, the reason why they were as famed as the Eight Great Masters was the fact that their bodies were extremely tyrannical. In fact, normal attacks were like itches to them.

In fact, these Xuan Beast Kings could keep up with the Eight Great Masters with the help of their tyrannical bodies… even if their cultivation was slightly inferior. Moreover, they could possibly turn the tables on their opponents if they managed to employ some sinister methods.

The girl in front of him would seem sweet, petite and fragile… almost as if she wouldn't be able to stand up against a gentle breeze… as if she was a water bag… and, a very delicate one at that… But, Lei Wu Bei clearly knew that this girl's body was nevertheless that of the Snake King!

Moreover, she was one of the most poisonous individuals in the Tian Fa forest!

[I doubt if her skin would even redden if my fist struck her. However, would I be able to endure if she struck me?]

”You're the Snake King? It's an honor to meet you!” Lei Wu Bei behaved like he was facing a great enemy. He turned his hand, and drew-out a glittering and grotesquely serrated blade. One side was bright and clear. It was so bright that it could bathe a man in bright light. In fact, it seemed similar to a sharp cutlery blade. But, the other side was densely serrated like a saw-tooth. This was clearly the more lethal part of the sharp weapon.