Chapter 906 - Still On The Call (1/2)

Xiu had asked the maids to take plenty of photos from today's tea party and now, she was sitting down before her desk with all the photos. In her hand was a scissor that she used to make cut-outs then she placed the photos in the diary.

Darren looked at her writing the diary for their unborn baby. She had been doing it since the beginning. She used the same diary to even tell him that he was gonna be a father. And then she never stopped. She wrote down every small detail in this diary with love and care.

Darren couldn't help smiling when he read her words. In fact, he seemed to be reading it in a baby voice. He couldn't help it, Xiu set the tone of her words like that.

For instance, the page before him had the words...

'Today, baby tiger's gender was revealed. Mommy invited everyone from the family and organized a tea party. Mommy even baked special cookies herself. The cookies were beautiful and delicious.' Underneath that, there was even a photo of the cookies to prove that they looked beautiful and delicious. And as always, Xiu didn't mind calling the cookies that she baked as delicious. Her narcissism was at the peak right now.

Darren placed his chin on the top of her head and hugged her shoulders from behind, ”Are you planning on writing all the milestones?”

”Yes,” replied Xiu. ”I'll let our baby tiger know that he didn't miss anything. I'll make him feel like a part of it all.”

Darren was amused by her thought process. He kissed her head and went to bed, ”When are you gonna give it to him?”

Xiu tapped the back of the pen on her chin thoughtfully, ”On his sweet sixteen party.”

Darren's eyes widened at her reply, ”Sweets, boys don't usually celebrate their sweet sixteen.”

Xiu turned her head to give him a hard stare, ”It's my baby tiger. He is definitely gonna have his own sweet sixteen birthday party. There is no way I'm compromising over that.”

Darren chuckled at her reaction, ”Okay. You do what you want to do.” Then he took a momentary pause to add, ”But don't you think we should start thinking about his name now? You're certainly not planning on calling him baby tiger forever, are you?”

Xiu scrunched up her nose before grumbling, ”I'll think about his name.”

Darren was glad to hear that she was willing to think seriously about the name of their son. He certainly didn't want his son to be bullied in school for his name. And neither did he want their son to feel like his parents didn't love him enough to give him a good name.

Xiu suddenly closed the diary and came to the bed as she asked, ”Baobei, why did Nora drag you out in the middle of the tea party? What did she tell you? Spill it!”

Darren's face stiffened when she brought this up. He tried to avoid her eyes, ”Oh, it was nothing much.”

”Baobei, you can't even lie to me. Why are you even trying?”

Darren sighed out, ”Then don't ask me. I promised her I won't tell you anything. Please, don't put me in a difficult position. I'm already having trouble keeping this secret.”

Xiu observed Darren's expressions and nodded. Even she could see that he was having a hard time here. He certainly couldn't keep anything from her.

”Fine. I won't push you,” said Xiu while ċȧrėssing his face. ”But is it a surprise for me?”

Darren's face softened as he nodded and leaned into her hand, ”Yes, it's a big surprise for you. And you'll certainly love it.”

”Since you say it like that, I'm quite looking forward to it now,” said Xiu and settled in to get some sleep.

”You should go to sleep now,” said Darren. ”We have to go for the parenting class tomorrow as well.”

Xiu nodded her head, ”I know.” She closed her eyes to sleep but suddenly opened her eyes again, ”Regan, why did Mama look a little down? Did she want a granddaughter instead of a grandson?”

Darren chuckled at her, ”What? What kind of nonsense are you thinking about? Mama doesn't care whether it's a boy or a girl. She was over the moon to know that she is a grandson.”

”But I certainly felt like something was wrong with her today,” said Xiu in a certain tone.

Darren pinched her nose softly, ”You and your observation skills are really dangerous.” Xiu slapped his hand away and glared at him. Darren tapped her nose and went on, ”You're right. She was a little out of sort but definitely not because of what's on your mind.”
