Chapter 892 - Who Pulled Him Down (1/2)



”Did Jinhai woke up?”

Xin Zimen paused in whatever he was about to do and gave his attention to Xiu before shaking his head with a heavy sigh. ”His condition doesn't seem very optimistic.”

Xiu pressed her lips together but didn't continue asking about this. Besides, at this time, the door was pushed open and Xin Kuan came inside panting as if he ran over.

”Brother Kuan, no one is after you. Stop running,” said Xin Zimen oddly.

Xin Kuan didn't pay attention to his words and pushed a file into Xiu's hands. Xiu looked at the file then she looked at Xin Kuan's dark expressions. For some reason, she found it amusing that he seemed to be to blow up and they didn't even touch the tip of the iceberg yet. Or in this case, this long-rooted conspiracy.

While she skimmed through the content of the file, she said, ”Didn't Uncle Kuan say he will need some time?”

Xin Kuan drank some water to calm himself before telling her, ”You should say thanks to your brother. He provided with enough resources to get it done as soon as possible.”

Xiu smiled to herself and as she felt Xin Zimen coming to her side, she closed the file in her hand. Obviously, she was trying to hide this stuff from him and even he could see it.

”Can't you even let me see it?”

Xiu shook her head, ”Not for now.”

Xin Zimen sighed out, ”Brother Kuan, what is she up to?”

”You stay out of it for now,” replied Xin Kuan startling Xin Zimen.

”What did you do?” The question was directed to Xiu. ”How did you pull my Brother Kuan into your camp in just one day?”

”Don't you say I have charms? I might have used some on him,” Xiu shrugged her shoulders nonchalantly. She drank the tea before her in one go and placed the cup down. Then collecting her stuff, she went up to Xin Kuan, ”Let's go, Uncle Kuan.”

”Where are you both going now?”

”To have some fun,” answered Xiu with a grin.

”I want to have some fun as well.”

”It's not time for you to join this fun yet.”

Xin Zimen watched them leaving and felt particularly distressed. For some reason, his heart was feeling uneasy now. Although he was reassured that Xiu'd be safe with Xin Kuan around, he still felt like something was about to happen. Because he could tell Xiu was on to something and it wasn't a simple matter either.

Not having the situation under his control really made him want to beat someone up!

Meanwhile, as soon as Xiu stepped out the door of the Suite, the particularly eye-catching grin could no longer be seen. Seeing this, Xin Kuan commented, ”People like you are really dangerous.”

”Why would you say that Uncle Kuan?”

”Xiao Zi keeps a stern look on his face which makes people feel cautious and guarded against him. However, people like you always keep a smile on their faces. You know how to make someone let down their guard before striking. Behind the smile, one can't even imagine what storm is brewing.”

Xiu's lips tilted up slightly, ”Let this storm rage like this. Because this storm is about to raze everything.”

Xin Kuan was actually taken aback when he first looked through the information provided by Xiu. But what shocked him, even more, was the fact that the closer they got to the truth, the more Xiu's speculations turned out to be the truth. He didn't know how she did it but she certainly seemed like someone who knew more than necessary.

And this girl didn't even want to sit down and watch everything. His job was to get the information she asked for and then, she'll follow him around to confirm things. For the next whole week, Xiu had been really busy with Xin Kuan.

And she also felt like she needed to say thanks to Xiao Li just as Xin Kuan had told her. After all, if it wasn't for Wen Clan's network, they couldn't found the things that happened over 40 years ago. The matters were deeply hidden and couldn't possibly find the truth easily.