Chapter 829 - Its For You (1/2)
To be honest, there was too much content in the cloud storage. It was as if Destiny spent all her time trying to gather all of this information. Extremely sensitive information as well! Xiu didn't get to see everything but she got the gist of the situation.
With just one of these pieces of information, she could really make the whole Xin family fall. However, it seemed that was never Destiny's intention. Although she had too much information in her hands, she had rarely made use of any of it.
Xiu could easily say that if someone knew what Destiny had in her hands, forget about the animosity that had been going on for years, Destiny would still have become the target of someone.
Soon, Xiu had to go to her session with the physiotherapist, and only then did she turn off the laptop. After that, she had her meeting with Gigi as well. After spending over an hour with Gigi, she came back almost immediately unlike yesterday when she spent way too much time dawdling around.
Darren was reading a book when he saw Xiu entering the room. Xiu frowned at him, ”Shouldn't you be resting your eyes?”Find authorized novels in , faster updates, better experience, Please click #'s-for-you_51857589851447797 for visiting.
Darren sighed out, ”I'm bored of doing that.”
”There is indeed nothing entertaining around here,” agreed Xiu as she supported her body up slowly and got on the bed on her own. Her weak body had more or less recovered some strength. She couldn't walk normally yet but she could move around for a while with a bit of effort.
Darren looked at her as he said, ”There is someone entertaining.”
”Huh? Who?” she wondered in confusion.
”You!” he replied and laughed out at her. Seeing how she narrowed her eyes at him, he went on, ”The best actress of her times is around me, how can it ever be boring for me? It's only boring when you're not around.”
”For someone who has diabetes, you surely have a sweet mouth,” retorted Xiu making Darren smile at her. ”What were you reading though?”
Darren passed her the book and she looked at the title, 'Good Parenting.' Then she raised her brows at him as he shrugged his shoulders, ”My father was absent most of my life, so I have a lot to learn about good parenting.”
Xiu looked amused as she said, ”Are you suggesting me to read it as well? After all, I never had a very active mother as well.”
Darren's eyes softened as he said, ”No. Your job will be to become a friend of our little tiger. Leave the parenting to me. I'll be the villain, you be the angel in his life.”
”How is that fair?” she retorted. ”We should equally share everything.”
”How?” he questioned.
”When it comes to his study, you be the devil for him. When it comes to his manners, I'll be the devil for him. In this way, he will always have someone to run to.”
”You and your ideas...” Darren had no words for her. Really, no words at all.
As Xiu settled down beside him, she turned on her laptop again.
”You are again gonna pay all your attention to this?” questioned Darren.
”No, I'm just gonna look for a movie that we can enjoy together,” said Xiu.
”Oh,” responded Darren and waited for her to browse around to look for a movie.
She placed her head on his shoulder while his hand kept running in her hair. His eyes could clearly see what she was doing on the screen as he asked, ”Sweets, what kind of trouble are you looking for?”
”I'm looking for justice, I told you,” said Xiu. ”More than that, I want what belongs to me.”
”And what is that?” he inquired curiously.
”My self-respect!” she answered clearly. ”Even a dead person deserves self-respect! If people have not forgotten what a vile person Chen Xiu was, I'll gladly remind them what she really was! Liu Nuan lost her child but why should I let my dead self carry the blame for something I never did? Isn't that too unfair to me? I am done forgiving people, it's time to fight back!”
Darren had a proud smile on his face as he kissed her head and said, ”Don't forget to tell me if you need my help.”
Xiu giggled in reply before she stopped on a movie to her liking, ”Oh, I've been waiting for this movie to release. And I was hoping to go to the cinema to watch it with you.”