Chapter 827 - Cabbage Eaten By A Lamb (1/2)

Xiu slept for the rest of the day. Darren didn't allow anyone to disturb her. Even when someone wanted to wake her up for dinner, he didn't allow it. It wasn't that he didn't know she needed to eat on time but it was mostly because Xiu slept with such a peaceful smile on her face that he couldn't bear to let anyone disturb her.

Today, he was feeling very proud of his Sweets. She had finally didn't cower away from the truth but rather accepted it bravely. And to his surprise, it seemed the credit didn't belong to him for that. The credit all went to that unborn child that was nurturing within her.

He had thought she won't be able to grow out of the trauma that made her keep her distance from kids. But he was proven wrong. Not only didn't she manage to face her trauma, she actually conquered it as well beautifully. In fact, he could say that since she conquered that trauma of hers, it made her mentally stronger.

Since she could let something that scared her, into her life. Now, she was able to face anything bravely.

His mother always said, a woman can be weak but a mother is always strong.

He had seen this becoming true for his mother and now, the same went for his wife as well. These both women proved to him that mothers really were strong.

He caressed his wife's hair as he sighed out, ”This little tiger is making me super jealous even before he came into the world. What's gonna happen once he really becomes a part of our life?” He kissed Xiu's forehead and added, ”Sweets, you better not forget me once he comes around. I'll be really mad otherwise!”

Xiu's lips curved up as she slowly opened her eyes and said, ”Are you really gonna be petty enough to be jealous of your own son?”

”Yes!” replied Darren without any hesitation. ”I am that petty!”

Xiu shook her head at him before she elevated her body to kiss him on the forehead as well as she said, ”No one can take my husband's place in my life. It's reserved just for you.”

”It better stay that way,” warned Darren. ”Did you have a good sleep?”

Xiu nodded her head, ”Very good! I feel so refreshed that I feel like I can fly now.”

”Don't really go around trying to fly,” said Darren.

”I can just look into your eyes and soar,” replied Xiu.

Darren's lips twitched before he pressed his lips together tightly. ”Sweets, where do you come up with all of this?”

”From my personal collection of cheesy lines for my husband,” Xiu wiggled her brows at him playfully making him flick on her forehead lightly.

”You should really become a screenwriter,” suggested Darren.

”How do you know what I was planning to do?” Xiu feigned surprise.

”You're really considering it?” asked Darren with raised brows. ”Didn't you say being a housewife is a full-time job?”

”I stand by my words,” said Xiu firmly. ”It's just that I might pick up writing as a hobby. With how my life had been surrounded by mysteries and planning, I think I might be able to write a super hit morning opera.”

Darren chuckled softly at her and said, ”Fine. Do what makes you happy. I'll always support you.”

Xiu sat up saying, ”I know. It's because I know you'll support me in anything that I'm willing to let myself indulge in these fantasies.”

Darren pressed the button by his bed to call the nurse and told her to bring their dinner. Xiu looked at the time and asked, ”It's almost 10 o'clock. You didn't have dinner as well?” She stared at Darren as she went on, ”Don't tell me you were waiting for me to wake up?”

”Isn't that obvious?” he retorted.

Xiu facepalmed herself, ”Baobei, you could have just woken me up. You need to take your medicine on time. How will you take it on an empty stomach?”

”I couldn't bring myself to wake you up,” he replied and realized something. ”It's been a while since you called me that.”

”What? Baobei?”

”Hmm...” he hummed in reply.

”Now you're my husband,” began Xiu. ”I thought I should change the way I call you.”

”Then shouldn't you be calling me honey?” Darren smirked at her mischievously.

Xiu eyed him before saying, ”I don't mind...” She took an unnecessary pause to add, ”Honey.”