Chapter 803 - Clan Of Hyenas (1/2)
”What kind of a whole truth you're looking for?” asked Zhao Huan. ”And that too, from me?”
”You're the only person who met Wen Ai before she died,” began Su Xixi in a calm voice but just as she mentioned Wen Ai, Xin Zimen tensed up. ”Do you really want me to believe that she really didn't tell you anything about your daughter even when she was dying?”
Zhao Huan recalled that last meeting she had with Wen Ai. Her hands clenched up. ”She didn't give me the details.”
”But she did say something, didn't she?” Su Xixi pressed on.
Zhao Huan nodded her head as she told honestly, ”The only thing I could understand from her broken sentence was... 'Find Carina Novell. Daughter. Xin Zemin. Alive.' I didn't know what to make out of those broken words that I couldn't understand myself.”
”Really?” Su Xixi still didn't let her off the hook.
Zhao Huan closed her eyes and took a deep breath before saying, ”A week after Wen Ai's death, I received a parcel. It had the photos of a woman my husband as they both came out of a gynecologist's office with a big smile on their faces.” Both Xin Zimen and Xin Zemin were stunned by her confession. ”I didn't know that woman was Carina Novell.”
Xin Zemin looked at his wife and asked, ”Was that enough to make you doubt me?”
Zhao Huan shook her head, ”The parcel didn't only have the photos. It had the pregnancy record and the name of the father written on the doc.u.ments was Xin Zemin while the name of the mother was Carina Novell.” She looked at Xin Zemin and continued, ”It's not that it made me doubt you. It made me scared. Scared because of all those warnings I received from Wen Ai to be careful. Someone had come up with such a detailed plan to ruin our relationship, it scared me. I thought if I looked any further, it might get our lives in danger.”
Su Xixi sighed out as she stood up, ”But if you had listened to Wen Ai's words and looked for Carina Novell, maybe she'd have been able to live this day as well. And let's not forget, you both could have found your daughter sooner.”
”You made me say all this for what?” asked Zhao Huan.
”Of course, because I don't want any of you to blame my sister. She isn't here to defend herself but I am. And I will never stop defending her even till the day I day. Don't ever blame her for keeping you away from your daughter. If anything, you should be thankful to her. Your daughter is alive only because of her. And to protect that daughter of yours, she paid the price with her own life!”
She was about to leave the room but stopped and said, ”I'm feeling generous so I'll tell you who is behind that parcel you received back then.”
”You know who tried to kill our daughter?” Both Xin Zemin and Zhao Huan stood up in shock.
Su Xixi shook her head, ”The one who tried to kill your daughter and the one who tried to separate you two, are two different people. In fact, the person behind your miscarriage is also different.”
”What?” Zhao Huan's voice trembled as she asked, ”You know who was behind my miscarriages? There was someone else involved other than my sister?”
Su Xixi tutted at her, ”I didn't think you'd still blame your sister for all that when she is actually very innocent in all of this.” She laughed out mockingly, ”The problem was never with your sister. The problem had always been with this Xin Clan. This is why I was so against Wen Ai marrying into a clan of hyenas.”
Su Xixi glared at Xin Zimen, ”Don't try to shut me up! I hated your whole family back then and I still do. It's because of your Xin Clan that I lost my sister! I will never forgive any of them.” She took a deep breath and looked at Zhao Huan, ”The one who sent you that parcel was your mother-in-law. I'm not sure how she got her hands on those photos or doc.u.ments but she was the one who sent it all to you.”
Zhao Huan held her husband's hand tightly as she inquired, ”And the one behind my miscarriages?”
Su Xixi looked at her carefully before saying, ”Since you already believe that your sister is behind it, why bother trying to clear it after all these years? The relationship between you and Zhao Wei is already broken. Even if you know who the real culprit is now, it won't change anything.”
Saying that she strode out of there. Xin Zimen was silent for a while before he said, ”I knew that mother of yours was no good. But I didn't think she was even against your own happiness. What an eye-opener!” After saying this much, he followed behind Su Xixi.
He found her standing on the first floor's balcony with a slim cigarette perched between her lips. She took out the lighter from her pocket. Just as she was about to light up the cigarette, Xin Zimen came to stand beside her.
”When did you start smoking?” asked Xin Zimen.