667 Torture (1/2)

Chen Xiu never thought there would come a day when she'd feel like death was a lot easier than what she was currently going through. Because of Xin Suyin's orders, two men had taken to a small room and threw her inside.

Her hands and feet were still tied. The room wasn't just small, it was colder than the place she had been in. There were bright lights in the room that hurt her eyes but whenever she tried to close her eyes, someone would splash her with water.

She was already feeling cold and the water made it worse. Because of that, she didn't even dare close her eyes for an extended period of time. She didn't know how long she spent in this solitary. But she knew that she hadn't seen anyone in a long time and neither had she slept in a long time. Food or water was just as much out of the picture.

Her body had already given up on her but now, even her senses were about to be lost. This psychological torture was worse than anything she had gone through in life. She had heard about this, confinement, debilitation, sensory assault, and desperation. Who knew one day she'd have to experience it first hand as well. And for what? Why would no one even tell her what she had done wrong?

It was at this point that Chen Xiu had found herself breaking apart literally in every sense. Her senses were in shambles and so was her mind. A person like her who was already depressed was literally thrown into an abyss now. She had always been trying to give hope to others but her own hope was leaving her side now.

Before her desperation could turn her numb, the door that had been closed for who knew how long finally opened and Xin Suyin walked inside in good spirit.

The finger marks on Xiu's face from the other day had made her appearance unsightly. Lack of sleep and food made her look pale. No, she looked like she was about to breathe her last breath any minute now.

”How are you, Chen Xiu?”

Xiu didn't even have the energy to glare at this woman. But she still looked at Xin Suyin with a blank look in her eyes.

”Did my people treat you well?” As Xiu saw her stepping closer, her whole body quivered on instinct. ”You look better than I thought. Even after four days, you're in good spirits. How remarkable!” She placed her index finger under Xiu's chin and looked into her eyes, ”And here I thought of you as a weak girl. You're stronger than you look, huh.”

Because of the cold temperature in the room, Xiu couldn't really feel any sense in her body. Everything was numb. But Xin Suyin's finger had a warmth to it and when it touched Xiu's skin, it made her feel strange. She wanted to reject it and yet couldn't help craving for that warmth as well.

”Why?” Xiu's voice came out in a whisper. She had long lost her voice from screaming for help when it wasn't even heard by anyone. All she did was tiring herself by screaming for so long.