661 Just Okay (1/2)
Those were the first words that came out Su Feifei's mouth when she came to Xin Zimen's side. The latter stared at her face for a full minute in silence.
”She said something to you?” asked Xin Zimen.
”Just the usual why I'm not acting my age, why I'm still single and blah blah blah. Like what the hell, bro! It's fucking my life. What I do with it is my concern!” She was breathing heavily as she said, ”I wish my Sister Ai was here, that old woman wouldn't even dare open her mouth!”
Xin Zimen cleared his throat before saying, ”The main reason she always finds faults with you is that she could never say those things to Wen Ai.”
Su Feifei laughed heartily, ”If she did, wouldn't my sister have set her hair on fire.”
”She'd already done that though,” reminded Zhao Huan who came to join them. ”That sister-in-law of mine was indeed fearless. I really can't forget the ways she used to pick fights with our mother-in-law.”
”I still can't get over the face your mother used to make whenever Sister Ai used to come before her.”
Xin Zimen was shaking his head listening to these two women reminiscing about his wife. He wasn't even surprised that the things people remembered about Wen Ai had all to do with her troublesome nature.
She was like a walking time bomb and it was never pretty whenever she exploded.
”If she had been alive, this wedding would have become a memorable event,” said Zhao Huan with a slight smile playing on her lips.
”Like she made your wedding an unforgettable experience?”
Zhao Huan narrowed her eyes at Su Feifei dangerously, ”Don't remind me of that day. No matter how much I loved Wen Ai, I'd always hate her for what she did on my wedding day.”
Su Feifei shrugged her shoulders nonchalantly, ”I think she just made your wedding more relevant.”
”What did you say?!”
Su Feifei took a step towards Xin Zimen to hide behind him as she answered, ”Sister Huan, let's face it. Because of Sister Ai, everyone in your circle remembers your wedding. It became a historic event.”
Zhao Huan snorted at that. ”Historic? I only wanted a bloody simple wedding!”
”She is already gone, can we get over it now?”
Xin Zimen couldn't help but breaking up their argument. As much as he loved hearing about his wife, he wasn't enjoying it today. In fact, it was making it difficult for him to keep a strong front. After all, the one who gave him the strength to stand tall before the world was no longer standing by his side.
He actually believed that he lost his strength along with his wife. Now, he was just a shell keeping up a facade every day and every night before this world.