649 Mother (1/2)
Xiu's slight pause was neither because of the words spoken nor because of the person who said those words. Instead, her eyes had fallen on the man behind Zhao Huan before she looked back at Zhao Huan. But that momentary shift of hers was noticed by Zhao Huan easily.
Meanwhile, Xiao Li was actually happy to hear his aunt's words as he said, ”We do look like siblings, right?”
Zhao Haun took a step towards them saying, ”Indeed, you guys do.”
Xiu also waved her hand at her, ”Hi, doctor!”
Zhao Huan smiled at Xiu brightly as she greeted back before even pulling Xiu in for a hug. Xiu's brows quirked up in surprise but she relaxed when Zhao Huan whispered, ”Let me hug my daughter.”
”Should I start calling you mother?” retorted Xiu in a voice that only these two could hear.
Zhao Huan straightened up as she said, ”I don't mind. Not at all.”
Xiu was speechless at her response. She had already learned that Zhao Huan knew about her identity as Destiny Novell and also about the relationship between Destiny and her husband. But here she was casually greeting her step-mother. Xiu had to give it to this family. No matter what they'd always react in a calm way.
Xiu looked at this supposed step-mother and shook her head.
”What secrets are you discussing?” wondered Xiao Li.
”You didn't tell me your secrets, I won't tell you mine,” replied Xiu. ”Isn't that right, doctor?”
Zhao Haun agreed with Xiu, ”Yes, that sounds fair.”
Seeing his wife talking animatedly with Xiu, Xin Zemin also stepped up and joined them. And seeing her husband, Zhao Huan introduced, ”Min, meet Bai Xiu.”
Xin Zemin gave a nod saying, ”We've met.”
Xiu looked confused, ”Have we?”
Xin Zemin gaped at her in disbelief, ”We literally met just a day ago at Xiao Zi's place.”
Xiu's brows knitted up close as she said, ”Did we? I don't remember. Sorry, I have a fish memory.”
Xiao Li chuckled at her response, ”It's not that she has fish memory, this little sister has a selective memory.”
Xiu nodded agreeably, ”Or you can say it like that.”
Honestly, Xiu did remember seeing him at Ah-Xin's place. But that's it. She had barely talked to him so she didn't think it was important to remember that short meeting. At that time, she had only looked at Xin Zemin and thought that he looked similar to Ah-Xin. That was the only thing that clicked in her brain.
But now, her brain was completely clear about the fact that he was also Destiny's father. She couldn't deny it. Even if she wanted to, facts couldn't be changed.
”But you have a good memory,” started Xiu. ”You even remember me after just that short hello. How surprising.”
Xin Zemin turned around and was surprised to see his parents. He hurriedly walked up to them and Xiao Li also followed him. Only Zhao Huan was left behind with Xiu.
”Won't you say hi to your in-laws?” asked Xiu.
Zhao Huan looked at her husband smiling and hugging his parents as she replied, ”Do you know why Xiao Zi doesn't like his parents?” Xiu shook her head and she continued, ”Seeing their eldest son, my in-laws forget the whole world. Their world literally revolves around their son.”
Xiu found this really odd as she asked, ”But Ah-Xin is also their son.”
Zhao Haun snorted, ”Of course, he is.” She looked at Xiu as she went on, ”But his only fault is that he was exceptionally smart and was born as the second son.” She sighed out, ”His exceptional talent was only a threat to his elder brother. How could the parents whose whole world was their elder son could love the second son?”