631 Just A Hoax (1/2)
Xiu was left mulling over Xiao Li's words. There was a certain feeling stirring inside of her and it made her believe that everything wasn't as simple as it seemed.
When Xin Zimen noticed her looking so down, he frowned. ”Did Xiao Li said something to you?”
Xiu looked up and seeing the concern in his eyes, her lips curved up slightly, ”Nope. As everyone says, I just have a habit of bringing stress to myself.”
Xin Zimen shook his head but didn't refute her words. He had also seen the way she acted. So, it was obvious to him what she was referring to. ”Let's go... Everything's been arranged.”
Xiu nodded her head and followed him only to be gobsmacked at seeing his entourage. Well, she knew he was an important figure. It could be seen from all those guards at his place but was this entourage necessary? They were just visiting a hospital!
This made her feel uncomfortable but she didn't voice it. She silently alighted the car and placing her hands in her lap, she stayed silent.
She was so silent that at one Xin Zimen thought he was alone in the car. So, he lifted his eyes to look at her, and seeing her lost in her own world, he frowned.
”The more I look at you, the more I'm unable to make a connection between you and my brother.” Xiu finally lifted her eyes as he continued, ”Even your habits don't match with him.”
Xiu shrugged her shoulders, ”Maybe I'm like my mother.”
”That's also possible,” replied Xin Zimen. ”Stop frowning. It doesn't suit you.”
Xiu smiled at him asking, ”Then what suits me?”
”That smile you're wearing right now,” he said sincerely.
”You make me envious of your sons.”
”Huh? Why is that?”
Xiu looked out the window as she smiled sadly, ”Because you aren't my father.”
”And here I always treat you as my daughter,” said Xin Zimen with a hint of disappointment.
Xiu shook her head saying, ”That's not what I mean.”
Xin Zimen patted her shoulder gently as he said, ”No matter what you mean, don't forget that you have the blood of Xin's. That makes us blood-related and I'd always be here for you.”
Xiu tilted her head to look at his face and thought bitterly, 'If only I had met you in my previous life... If only... Even as a stranger... I think Chen Xiu wouldn't have ended so pitifully.' Her eyes stung with hot tears and she tilted her head up to stop those tears that had brimmed up in her eyes from falling.
Even if there was no blood relation between them, Xiu knew that he'd still be there for her. And that thought alone meant a lot to her.
In the meantime, Ying had dragged Han Bohai all the way to her car. Yes, she didn't let his hand go even for a second. It certainly pleased the one who was being dragged around but the one dragging had no idea about his feelings.
He lifted his arm to show her that she was holding his wrist as he said, ”How can leave when you are holding this so tightly?”
Realizing that Ying's eyes widened but if you thought she would be embarrassed enough to shirk his hand away. Then you definitely are on the wrong page. Instead of getting awkward about it, she maintained her original composure and said, ”I have to hold it tight or else, you might run away.”
Han Bohai's face came closer to hers as he said, ”If only I could run now. But my dear Ah-Ying, you've captured me in the maze of your heart. And since I hate solving puzzles, I have decided to just camp in that maze.”
Ying's lips twitched at his words that sounded so like him. ”So, you're just giving up? Shouldn't you be looking for a way out of this maze?”
Han Bohai's face came even closer as the tip of his nose brushed against hers and he replied in a slightly husky voice, ”I've left myself at your mercy. Now, it's all up to you what you want to do.”
Ying frowned slightly, ”With the strong approach you took to get me, I thought you'd be the dominant type. When did you turn into the submissive one?”
Han Bohai shrugged his shoulders, ”Call it submission or whatever, but I'm just waiting for the time when you'd also give into this submission we call love.”