616 Celebrity Of The Nigh (1/2)

The people Xiu left behind at the party without thinking twice had been so used to her unusual behavior that no-one even bothered questioning anything. But there was one person who had been in a dilemma since she left.

”Ah-Si, what are thinking about?”

Ah-Si looked at Dylan who asked the question and sighed out helplessly, ”Have you ever had a moment where you wished to be at two places at the same time?”

Dylan contemplated it but ended up shaking his head, ”Not really.”

”Then you won't understand my feelings right now,” was Ah-Si's reply.

”But why do you wanna be at two places? And what are these two places exactly?” Dylan's interest was a little piqued.

”I really wanted to follow Xiu. She's going to meet my dad for sure!”

Dylan furrowed his brows, ”So?”

Ah-Si gave him a look, ”Dylan, have you ever seen my dad being passive?”

Dylan snorted, ”Uncle Zi? And passive? What dream are you living in bro? People tend to lower their heads before him, he doesn't do that!” Dylan had a look admiration as he went on, ”That's why I like him so much. He has that aura I always wanted to capture but couldn't do so. There is no one like Uncle Zi.”

Ah-Si wasn't even surprised to hear those praises about his father. Dylan neither was the first person who said it all to him nor the last one. Ah-Si had been way too used to hearing people's praises for his father. He always felt proud of his father as well. Even though he often felt slightly scared of his father but it won't change the fact that his father was indeed a great man.

”You can stop repeating all that. I already heard enough about my dad's merits,” replied Ah-Si. ”However, my main point here was that you and I both know that my dad never bows down before anyone!” Dylan nodded his head agreeably. ”That's why if one day you see my dad being tamed before someone, what'd be your reaction?”

”That can't happen,” Dylan laughed it off not taking his words seriously.

”I said, what if?” repeated Ah-Si solemnly.

Dylan licked his lips and looked around before answering, ”It'd something really unbelievable. But it'd also be something I would like to see with my own eyes.”

”Exactly!” Ah-Si exclaimed excitedly. ”That's why I wanted to follow Xiu. I wanted to be there to see my dad's obedient version that only comes out when Xiu is around. It's something I was looking forward to.”

Cali put down her wine glass as she said, ”You should have followed her then.”

Ah-Si looked at Dylan's girlfriend and smiled, ”And that brings us to the main point... I don't want to leave here just yet.”

”You want to be here but you want to be there as well?”


Nora rolled up her sleeves adding, ”Punch his face? Why don't you try!”

Dylan leaned back in his seat and replied, ”Relax, Nora! It's not like I can punch him.”

”You better not even think about trying!”

”Woah! So much protective girlfriends!” Dylan was grumbling under his breath when Ah-Si laughed out while he hugged his girlfriend close and leaned against her shoulder.

”Start choosing your words wisely, Dylan...”

”I should,” agreed Dylan.

”Anyways, the reason why I want to stay here is that I want to meet Ying Jie's boyfriend.”

Dylan hurriedly was in the alert mode as he stood up and wandered his eyes around to find Ying but seeing that Ying was chatting with her group of friends, he pouted, ”Her boyfriend is not here. I don't even think she invited her boyfriend.”

”She didn't but Xiu invited him,” answered Ah-Si.

Dylan looked at Ah-Si for a long moment before sighing, ”Why is Xiu involved in everything? How come she has something to do with each of our relationships?”

”Each of our relationships?” repeated Cali as she looked at Dylan inquisitively.