611 Indirect Proposals (1/2)
Since the question was asked to Xin Zimen, he was the one who had to answer as well. But he merely gave a nod of his head in response. It had been a long time since he stopped calling Xin Zemin as his brother. He didn't know why but when Xiu asked this question, something stirred within him.
Xiu's eyes lingered on his elder brother's face who had been sitting opposite them and Xin Zimen thought she must be feeling strange at meeting her father for the very first time in this way. However, her next question left him baffled, ”Are you both twins?”
”No, he is three years older than me,” answered Xin Zimen and Xiu gave a doubtful look.
From the way she stared at Xin Zemin, it appeared as if she was looking at a stranger that had nothing to do with her. Well, even if this was her first time meeting her father, he really couldn't understand how she could keep up this nonchalance. He knew about her perfectly perfected facades but this time around, he wasn't certain whether this was her real reaction or she was trying to suppress some feelings.
However, he was overthinking it all. Except for the curiosity of how these two brothers looked very alike, Xiu's mind had completely forgotten to recall that he was actually this body's original host's real father!
Staying true to her nature, Xiu's mind was exactly on the track of one thing at a time. That's why whether Xin Zemin was here or not had nothing to do with her. She wasn't particularly pleased to him but she wasn't feeling displeased either. Her feelings were actually somewhere between curiosity and amusement.
”Didn't Ying'er invite you to the bachelor's party?” He knew about Ying's party. In fact, he knew about every person on her guest list or the lack of a certain someone on that guest list. According to his understanding, she should be at the party right now. Didn't he hear somewhere she loved alcohol? Then how come she left free drinks to come here.
Xiu immediately shifted her eyes back to Xin Zimen and grinned, ”Of course, I was invited. But you already know that. I came right after I learned about your fever.”
”And who told you about it?”
Xiu narrowed her eyes at him, ”If I told you, you'll definitely stop that person from speaking again.”
”It's my own son, isn't it?”
Xiu gaped at him in disbelief, ”How did you guess?”
”Between Ying and Ah-Si, it's definitely my son who forgets what to say or not to say.”
Xiu wanted to say something but stayed quiet. She couldn't argue since Ah-Si really was like that. He'd often lose track of what he wanted to say or not. In fact, it was right to say that he left his emotions to speak for him. Otherwise, why would he hurt Nora back then? He definitely didn't intend to but his emotions got the best of him.
”You really know your son,” muttered Xiu before adding, ”But that doesn't mean I'll allow you to reproach him for that. Since you won't say it yourself, I need someone in this house to be my informer until my best friend enters this family rightfully.”
Xin Zimen's lips twitched before he couldn't help laughing softly which surprised his elder brother who was still in shock and was staring at these two in silence. He rubbed Xiu's head saying, ”Are you indirectly reminding that it's about time for me to bring my second daughter-in-law home?”
”Why indirectly? I'm saying it very directly!” Xiu didn't shy away from the topic since it involved the best interests of her best friend. She'd do anything to help Nora in any way possible and right now, she was in a position where she could help! So, why not? ”In two days, your elder son is getting married. It's time to think about your plan ahead and bring the mother of your own granddaughter home already.”