586 Scared Of Him? (1/2)

Although Xin Zimen's face looked indifferent, his back had stiffened. Su Feifei fixed her glasses, meticulously studying the changes in his expressions.

His finger tapped against the desk as he said, ”At the beginning, it was undoubtedly her name but now it's different.”

”How is it different? Or should I say, how is she different?”

Xin Zimen's eyes lowered as he replied, ”She is a very dangerous person.”

”Dangerous?” Su Feifei's brows knotted together. ”She looks pretty innocuous to me.”

”And that's exactly her biggest strength,” said Xin Zimen knowingly. ”She has the power to make you feel very happy and very sad at the very same time. That's a pretty terrifying ability.”

Su Feifei didn't understand his meaning as she asked, ”Are you serious? I honestly think she is too simple. Except for her charming smile and beautiful face, I don't see anything peculiar about her.”

He shook his head at her saying, ”She once tole Ying, 'Sometimes you gotta play the fool to fool the fool who thinks they are fooling you.'” Su Feifei's brows quirked up as he went on, ”Don't let her fool you, although I can't blame you even if you fall for her act.”


”That little lass is pretty good at fooling people. Even at such a young age, she is so good at veneer. She makes people think that she's wearing her emotions on her sleeves but in reality, she keeps everything so deeply concealed within her that you won't find a single flaw.”

”She is intriguing, is that why you're so invested in this?”

Xin Zimen shook his head, ”Not really. Whenever I meet her, she makes me want to protect that smile of hers. Somehow, it feels like she has to fight an internal battle to put that smile on. And I don't want her to lose that battle. I genuinely want to protect that smile of hers.”

He stood up and leaned against a window before he lit up a cigarette.

”Brother-in-law, if you're so interested in her. Why are you scared of her?”

Xin Zimen took a puff before blowing out white smoke rings. ”You think I'm scared of her?”

”You are. Earlier, you didn't even dare to touch her.”

He sighed out, ”I'm indeed scared. Since I genuinely want to protect her, I can't forget that I had never been able to protect the people I cared about. What if I get close to touch her and she vanished?” Su Feifei's eyes widened in shock. ”Everyone I got close to eventually vanished.”

Su Feifei wanted to pinch his arm but his muscles didn't allow her to harm him. It only felt like an ant was trying to sting. He looked at her with amusement. Since she couldn't do this, she ended up punching his arm saying, ”You're really clung on that? After all those years?! I can't believe it!”