426 Blue (1/2)

”By the way, aren't you tired after the whole day of shopping? What were you doing in the hallway?”

Xiu tied her hair back up into a messy bun as she answered, ”I'm very tired. But when I left all the shopping bags in my room. I decided to go to Regan's place but when I came out... I forgot what I was supposed to do since I saw you.”

Ying laughed at the way she said she forgot.

”Hold up...” Xiu frowned as she realized something. ”How do you know I was out shopping?”

Ying's eyes widened as she realized her mistake. Exactly, how did she know what Xiu was doing unless she was there? Yes, she was but that point was something to keep a secret from Xiu herself.

”Ummm... I just guessed,” answered Ying praying that Xiu would buy that lie. Considering her line of work, one could say that Ying was a really bad liar. Extremely bad! Luckily, she was saved by her phone which suddenly rang. Instead of putting it against her ear, she put it on speakerphone and placed it on the side table. ”And what do you want now?”

”Nothing. I just have something to share with you,” came the voice which even Xiu could recognize.

”Why? Why share it with me?” asked Ying.

”Because you're my close friend,” answered Cali.

”Who said that?” retorted Ying without even thinking about it.

”I said that,” was Cali's reply which made Xiu laugh out. ”Oh... That sounds familiar.”

”Hi, Cali!” said Xiu to announce that she was also listening to the call.

”Hey, Xiu! What's up? What are you doing with Ying?”

”Ying Jie is my new neighbor so I came to say hi to her,” replied Xiu.

”She's your neighbor?!” Cali's voice was really loud. ”When did that happen? How did that happen? Why did it happen?!” Taking a breath, she added, ”Ying, you have a lot to explain here!”

”Why should I?” was Ying's reply. ”It's my life. I can do whatever I want. And who are you question me?” She took a pause to add, ”I'm the kind of person who doesn't even answer herself 90 percent of the time. What makes you think I'll answer you?!”

”I just said, your friend!” Cali was still insistent on her words. ”And since I'm a friend I deserve an answer.”

”Just because you think we're friends doesn't mean we are actually friends. Stop calling me for everything,” replied Ying without considering Cali's feelings. After all, it was Cali who was trying to build a friendship between them. Ying would still like to keep her distance since she had already done her part of the job.

Xiu narrowed her eyes at Ying before speaking, ”Well, what did you want to share with Ying Jie though?”

Cali's mood suddenly lifted up again, ”Dylan brought me a gift.”

”Good for you. Now let's not continue,” Ying was trying to cut off this conversation but apparently, others weren't interested.