369 January 14 (2/2)
”This is also a home,” replied Xin Zimen firmly. ”Besides, I think we have enough rooms to accommodate a small girl like you. You can fit anywhere.”
Xiu pursed her lips and didn't argue. Instead, she silently took the medicine. Then when she saw him collecting the dishes, she said, ”Can I borrow this?”
Xin Zimen looked up slightly and saw the book in her hand. He didn't react for a minute. But then he sighed and said, ”It's not the genre you should read. Your young brain should read those love stories or one of those fluffy rom-com.”
”I don't like that anymore. Besides, what's wrong with this?” Xiu questioned while raising her brow. Since the moment she saw that quote in that book, she was certain that she was close to solving the mystery surrounding Destiny Novell. That's why she decided to borrow the book.
”It's a psychological fiction. Really not your type,” answered Xin Zimen lightly. His brows were constantly knitted together as he spoke. Until this day, even he wasn't able to read that book. He couldn't bring himself to. It brought up the pain, he didn't want to relive.
”Psychological fiction?” Xiu hadn't noticed it before. She looked at the cover of the book curiously before searching up the author's name on her phone. As she read the search result, she blurted out in surprise, ”Wen Ai? Where have I heard this name before?”
”That's my wife,” he answered for her making her gape at him.
Xin Zimen chuckled at her response. Indeed, the author's name was Wen Ai. It was his wife's work; One that she penned down before leaving this world.
”Wow! She has written three books. But...”
”But this is the only novel she wrote,” Xin Zimen completed her words for her. ”Writing was a hobby of hers. As for this novel, I don't even know why she wrote it.”
After Xiu skimmed through the profile she found on the internet related to his wife, she was frowning deeply. There were no photos and even less of information related to Wen Ai. But something caught Xiu's attention, ”Why are all her books related to psychology?”
”Not psychology. It's criminal psychology,” corrected Xin Zimen making Xiu's brows to raise up. ”She was a criminal psychologist. But don't tell anyone.” Although he said the last sentence playfully, she could tell he wasn't really joking.
Xiu didn't know much about his wife, Wen Ai. Except that she was no more and that she was just as weird as Xin Zimen is. So, that means if she was a Criminal psychologist, he wasn't as simple as he seemed, right? Xiu's brain had already started working up on this detail.
”Stop thinking and get some rest,” said Xin Zimen as he urged her to get up and follow him.
Xiu did so. The room he brought her to was right beside the one where Nora was sleeping. As Xiu walked inside she realized this room wasn't much different from the one beside it. Expect that this one had a balcony where a swing was hanging.
”If you need anything, just use the telecom. No need to hesitate at all.”
Xiu nodded her head as she got on the bed without any argument. She was too drowsy after taking that medicine. Besides, arguments needed some energy which she lacked right now the most.
”Have a good rest,” he said while stroking her head very gently.
Xiu's eyes were closing on their own but she still didn't forget to question. ”What does January 14 represent?” Xin Zimen's hand on her head stiffened. ”It's written at the start of the book.”
Xin Zimen crouched down beside the bed as his eyes kept looking at her. He could hear her soft breathing indicating, she had gone to sleep now. ”14th of January...” he mumbled softly. ”It's my daughter's birthday.” There was a sad smile on his lips as he said that out loud.