306 Never Went Easy (1/2)
Darren whose call was suddenly disconnected looked like he was gonna explode now. His fists struck hard on the counter while he closed his eyes to take long and deep breaths. There was no reason to murder your best friend over such a simple thing. Right? RIGHT?! Oh, no! That's not right! He so wished to beat the hell out of Dylan right now.
He hurriedly got up and went towards his bedroom. All this while Cali silently kept her eyes on him. It wasn't really hard for her to figure out what he was planning to do now. And sure enough, after twenty minutes when he came out dressed immaculately, his first words were, ”Cali, I need a ride.”
Cali who had just washed the coffee cups looked at him and said, ”You do know that Dylan hung up on you on purpose, right?” Darren didn't reply. Of course, he knew that very well. If Cali could tell what was cooking in that stupid brain of Dylan's, how could he not? But it was just that... ”But even if you know you still want to rush over because someone's heart is not gonna be at ease unless he sees his Sweets.”
Darren didn't give any signs of denying her words. He had no reason to do so actually. In fact, he didn't even mind being teased like this at all. ”Are you giving a ride or not?” he chose to put forth his own question instead of answering her.
”Where is your car?” she asked.
”I gave a day off to Ben. And I really don't want to disturb him now. It doesn't feel right,” he answered. ”And I can't... drive as you know very well.” Taking a pause, he added, ”Don't tell me you got your Harley Davidson bike even here.”
She smiled mysteriously. ”What do you think?”
”No, you did not...”
After getting down to parking when he saw Cali's ride, he couldn't help saying, ”You actually betrayed your love for bikes?” He knew about her obsession with dangerous rides. Considering how rare it was for her to drive a car.
”Shut up and hop on!” was all she replied with as she alighted the grey Mustang convertible of hers.
Darren silently took the passenger seat and buckled up because the ride was gonna be really dangerous from this moment on. True to his thoughts, Cali's driving was just as reckless as it could have been. She had the perfect control over her car but she really was messing with the speed limit here. And what was with this desire to take over?
Now that he thought about it, it seemed like it was his second time seeing her driving an actual car. They had stopped at a red light when he voiced out, ”Cal, are you changing habits after inheriting your father's fortune?” She gave him a fleeting glance as he added, ”I mean you never even bought a car in your whole life before.”
Cali was about to reply when her cell phone chimed and she had to excuse herself to take the call. Darren didn't mean to eavesdrop but since he was sitting right next to her, he couldn't help it.
”Didn't you resign before moving to Italy?” he asked since the last time they met in Norway, she had told him about her plans to resign.
”I resigned but the director is not taking my resignation seriously. She said I have accumulated a lot of leaves in these past years so she's willing to treat my absence as personal leave.”
”So, she's leaving a door open for you?”
”Seems like it,” answered Cali with a shrug of her shoulders before she stepped on the accelerator and started her race with the wind again.
Darren was frowning thinking about something and he decided to just ask, ”Do you want to go back?” He looked at the side of her face as he continued, ”I mean being a doctor was never your own dream. But you still stuck around for years. So, there must be some attachment to your work.”