Chapter 249 - In My Tummy! (1/2)

Xiu barely reacted when she heard that Dylan was gonna call someone for help. In fact, she was engrossed in playing with her fingers to the point that nothing else mattered to her. Dylan didn't pay any attention to her and dialed a number.

Just as the call was attended, he screamed for help, ”Bro, save me!”

The person on the line frowned before saying, ”Hedi, what game are you playing now?”

Dylan was really frustrated at how his words really didn't matter. But then again, he had a long history of doing these theatrics. It was not easy for anyone to believe him so easily. ”Bro, I'm at the police station.”

The person on the other end abruptly stood up as he questioned, ”What? How? Why?” shaking his own head, he went on, ”Forget all that. Give me the address, I'll be right there.”

Dylan hurriedly told him the address and smiled to himself as he hung up the call. Just as he walked back inside the cell, he looked at Xiu sitting so calmly that it even surprised him. But thinking that she must be tired after all that running around that she did, he didn't comment on that. Instead, he sat down beside her and said, ”Remind me to never be in a car alone with you. Whenever you're around me something goes wrong.”

Xiu drew some symbols in the palm of her hand with the index finger of her other hand as she muttered to herself, ”You're right. Things always go wrong around me.”

Dylan didn't know what she said but seeing her so quiet he was not feeling as good as he thought he would. Apparently, he had been way too used to her talking all the time. She was either insulting him, taunting him, teasing him, bragging about her boyfriend around him or simply would just talk random nonsense. Now, she had a sad aura looming around her which scared him.

Dylan and Xiu didn't have to wait long before the glass door of the police station was pushed open and barged in a furious Xin Xiaosi with a very calm Xin Xiaoli striding behind him. Dylan immediately stood up as he saw the two of them. But mostly because he didn't expect to see Ah-Si. He had called Xiaoli but why did Ah-Si come along?

However, Dylan's question was answered soon enough as Ah-Si slapped the table with both his hands and glared at the officer. ”Get. My. Brother. OUT. NOW!” said Ah-Si through gritted teeth. One could clearly see the aggression visible through his eyes. He was mad and even Dylan could tell that but seeing him like that only made Dylan smile like an idiot instead.

”You can't order me around here, Mister,” said officer Gu as she met his furious gaze but couldn't help flinching a bit because of the intensity of his gaze.

Xin Xiaoli placed a hand on Ah-Si's shoulder and faced the officer with a polite smile, more like his business smile while he said, ”Please excuse my brother's ignorance. Indeed, he can't order you around but...” he gave his phone to the officer saying, ”The person on this call can.”

Officer Gu furrowed her brows suspiciously before taking the cell phone from his hand. But as soon as she heard the voice from the other side, she was alert. Not only that, but her way of looking at both Xin brothers also changed drastically. ”Yes, sir!” she replied to the Commissioner on the phone before passing the phone back to Xin Xiaoli.

Ah-Si crossed his arms and stared at her saying, ”Don't make me repeat myself.”

Officer Gu gulped before asking her colleague to let both Dylan and Xiu go. And just as Dylan came out of the cell, he ran up to hug Ah-Si. ”Ahh! Ah-Si, do you know how much I missed you?”

Ah-Si tried to peel his arms off of his neck but to no avail. ”Hedi, we just met over the weekend.”

Dylan shook his head, ”No, that's not what I mean. It's been four years since the last time I have seen you being this protective of me. One day, you suddenly stopped talking to me and to this day, I'm only wondering what the hell did I do wrong?”