Chapter 223 - Lovers (1/2)

”I can't believe you left me here all alone,” said Xiu as she poured a glass of milk for herself.

”All alone? I was giving you the opportunity to spend some quality time with your boyfriend,” came Nora's voice through the phone. ”Spill some beans for your best friend and tell me what you guys did yesterday?” Nora's nosy nature was coming to play again but for the first time, Xiu was not irked by it at all.

In fact, the reminder of everything that happened yesterday brought a huge smile on her face. And unknowingly, she started blushing slightly. When Nora didn't hear a reply, her prying senses heightened as she said, ”Oho! You did it!”

”What the hell are you spouting?” retorted Xiu hastily. And also cursed Nora's wittiness that only worked on such things.

”Your smile is saying something, Xiu baby,” said Nora with a cheeky smile while Xiu looked around her. Nora definitely wasn't at home then how did she know that Xiu was smiling? Xiu suddenly got goosebumps for some odd reason.

”How do you know I'm smiling? Are you spying on me? Did you put spy cams without me knowing?” She knew Nora wouldn't do that but she couldn't help her suspicion as well. She even looked around to see if she could find any spy cam.

”I don't have to. You're like my sister from another mother. We have a connection with the heart. Of course, I know that you're smiling right now. So, tell me what did you guys do yesterday?” That's where Nora was right. It wasn't really hard for Nora to read Xiu like a book. And in five years, she even managed to read Xiu's silence. It was an impressive skill to have indeed.

”We didn't do anything,” answered Xiu trying to get out of this conversation but Nora wasn't planning on letting it go.

”Don't start your Monday with a lie. There is no way I'd believe that nothing happened between you guys. Come on give me something to keep going here,” insisted Nora stubbornly.

”Why are you interested in someone else's love story? If you're that bored, go write one of your own,” said Xiu.

”I have written my story of unrequited love. You stop stalling me and get back to the point. Because I'm gonna die young anyway!”

Xiu laughed at her saying, ”Don't worry, you're too ugly to die young[1]!”

”Xiu, I'm not ugly and stop playing the word game with me already!”

Xiu finished the milk in her glass and washed it making Nora impatient at the other end before she calmly said, ”We had a heart to heart conversation. And I think we are closer than ever now.”

”That's it?” Nora sounded disappointed, to say the least. ”What are you guys? Four?”

”Seriously, this is why I didn't want to tell you. Why do you think that physical intimacy is important? It's the hearts that need to make a connection. We should have an intimacy of souls rather than something shallow like physical intimacy.”

”Aww... Keep your cute words to yourself. If you think I'll believe that you guys didn't have s.e.x then guess what! I don't believe it! Do you think I'm a kid who hasn't noticed the way you eyed Darren? Your desires are too obvious when he's around. Stop trying to fool around with me.” She took a breath before continuing, ”I have full faith in Darren but you? No way! I won't believe even if someone gave me a million-dollar that you didn't seduce him.”

Xiu scratched the back of her head as she turned off the speakerphone and placed the phone against her ear saying, ”If you know this much, why did you bother asking?”

”Because I was hoping for my best friend to be honest with me but whatever!”

Xiu coughed at her words knowing it was time to change the topic before Nora get hyper or upset. It wasn't easy to placate her and Xiu wasn't in the mood to do that job as well.

”Nora, you're really not gonna come home this week?” asked Xiu again even though Nora had told her that on Saturday when she was leaving.

”Why? Are you missing me?” asked Nora anticipating her reply. ”Or you're happy that you'll have the whole place to yourself?”

”Shut up!” said Xiu and added, ”I just feel like you're avoiding me for some reason.”

”Why would I do that?”

Xiu shrugged her shoulders saying, ”How would I know that?” She pulled out a blazer and wore it while continuing, ”Perhaps, you're trying to hide something from me and you know if you stayed around me, I'll learn the truth. So, you ran away.”

Nora's eyes went round at how accurate Xiu's assumption was. It was mindboggling for her. But keeping her calm she said, ”Maybe it's really like that.”

”Are you trying to tease me?”

”I'd never,” replied Nora before adding, ”I gotta go now. I'll talk to you later but don't forget; s.e.x should be safe.”