Chapter 178 - My Boyfriend Is Missing! (1/2)

Originally the trip to Xia Capital was supposed to last for only two days but because of Xiu's sudden hospitalization, the trip stretched to four days. But besides work, Xiu had no time to do anything else. Well, Dylan gave her proper time for rest as well but besides that, she didn't do any sightseeing. Not that she needed it.

However, she did learn that the room upgrade was Darren's doing and not Dylan's. And she sincerely apologized to Dylan for misunderstanding him and secretly cursing him which almost gave him a heart attack. Also, the pink carnation in her room was also sent by Darren which made it easier for Xiu to apologize.

On the night of the fourth day when they came back to the An City, Xiu was really excited because it was the same day Darren was supposed to come back. But when she learned through his text that he had to extend his stay, her mood dampened.

”What's with the funeral vibes? Who died?” was Nora's first question when she saw Xiu's face. She looked like a zombie dragging her body around.

”My Mr. McSpicy is not coming. He has to stay for a few more days,” Xiu whined and jutted her bottom lip out showing how sorrowful she was feeling.

Nora pressed her lips together choosing to stay quiet. Xiu wasn't looking for a reply either. She went to her bedroom and got busy with sorting out her luggage. After that, she took a shower and came out to eat dinner with Nora.

She had just taken a bite of her noodles when she recalled something and looked at Nora, ”Nora, I have a few questions. Can you answer me honestly?”

”Absolutely,” said Nora confidently.

”Have I been through some kind of trauma before losing my memory?” Nora stopped eating when she heard Xiu's question. It was rare for her to see Xiu questioning about her past.

”Trauma? Your biggest trauma was your mother's death,” replied Nora after a moment of contemplation.

”Anything else other than that? For instance, I got trapped in an elevator or something?” Xiu probed further.

”Trapped in an elevator?” Nora furrowed her brows and shook her head, ”No way. I don't recall such an incident.”

”You can't think of any weird or strange things I did or say?” asked Xiu. She was desperate now to learn about Bai Xiu's memories. Because her thoughts were in chaos. She didn't want to live through each memory as she did in that elevator. ”Tell me anything. Anything that you found ridiculous. Any small detail.”

Nora took a sip of water and fell into deep thought. It took her a moment before she said, ”Ah, I remember one time, you disappeared for two days. It was a horrible experience on my part. And when you came back, you looked like a mess. There were bandages around your hand and your head. I was really worried. But you told me you fell down the stairs and had been in a hospital for two days. I didn't believe you but looking at your expressions I didn't push you for the truth.”

'Disappeared for two days? And came back wounded? What really happened to you, Bai Xiu?' Xiu absentmindedly kept chewing on her food.

”However, I still find your name changing incident as the most bizarre one,” Xiu heard Nora muttering in disappointment.