Chapter 10 - It Wasnt So Bad (2/2)

”Hey, my cuddle bear! Come back to me!” Nora whined from behind as she saw Xiu trotting towards her room.

”Nora darling, why don't you get an appointment with a professional cuddler?” Xiu turned around to say with her one hand on her hip.

”Professional cuddler? There is such a thing?” Nora asked uncertainly.

”Of course there is!” Xiu answered affirmatively. ”I recently saw a video. Just like professional therapists, there are now professional cuddlers.” Nora was blinking her big eyes with a dumbfounded look. ”You pay them by hours just like those shrinks. There is nothing s.e.x.u.a.l involved. It's pure cuddling.”

”But how can they cuddle with a complete stranger?” Nora was in disbelief.

”Just like you open up your life before a stranger. In reality, there isn't much difference between shrinks and cuddlers. One gives you a bit of honest advice and listen to your rambling for hours while the other lets you cuddle them to get some silent support and comfort.” Xiu explained in a calm and patient manner. She even searched for the videos online and showed it to Nora.

The look on Nora's face was priceless after that. She hugged herself while rubbing her arms up and down. ”Baby Xiu'er, you just gave me the cringes. It feels so weird just thinking about hugging a stranger. But cuddling? Yikes!”

Xiu was trying her best to stifle her laughter. Her plan worked. If there was one thing she couldn't bear with that would be cuddling. It felt so foreign to her. Perhaps because no one had ever cuddled her before, she was really uneasy with that.

”Oh, then we should sleep in our own bed.” Being a top-star, it wasn't hard for Xiu to feign a sad expression.

Nora saw her twisting the doorknob of her room and shouted, ”Baby Xiu'er, goodnight! Sleep tight and don't let the bed bugs bite!” She even passed her a flying kiss.

Xiu shook her head at Nora saying, ”Right back at you!” Then she took a step inside her room and closed the door.

When she laid down on her bed, there was a smile on her face like a flower that had yet to fully bloom and charm the world with its beauty. Looking at the ceiling, she laid straight on her back and whispered, ”It wasn't so bad.”

That was her affirmation to say that another day was well-spent. She was satisfied with her day after the time spent with Nora and the anger that she got to direct at a stranger with that kick. Also, the warmth that a stranger left to her. It was one productive day.

[1] ”Chaebol”: The Korean term for second-generation heirs.