Chapter 474 John Was Jealous (1/2)

The female reporter looked embarrassed and her hand holding the microphone was a little nervous. She reluctantly drew back.

Vicente turned to the camera of another media and smiled, ”Mother and son are safe. The two boys are still in the incubator because they are premature babies. It's enough for you to know these. For the rest, don't explore what my children look like, or...”

”Report carefully.” Vicente smiled politely again. The warning was obvious.

Someone offered to give in. Vicente left with her chin up. As soon as she entered the elevator, she leaned against the wall, clenching her fist against her lips and chuckling.

Noah looked at Vicente curiously, ”What's wrong?”

”Nothing.” Vicente burst into laughter. ”Nina is right. We must be tough, think more for ourselves, and don't accommodate yourself to others.”

Noah was confused and asked, ”Do you mean to suppress that female reporter? So you weren't like this before?”

Vicente nodded helplessly, ”Yes.”

Noah was a little stunned. ”I thought you were always like this.”

Hearing this, Vicente was speechless.

The elevator

down in the chair, she saw two strange faces. She noticed Noah first.