SAFEHAVEN Harbor was located at the eastern coast of Arcadia. As its name suggested, this was a neutral zone. Just like the four major cities in Arcadia, fighting amongst players were not allowed here.
This was the only harbor in Arcadia. In normal times, it offered trips for the players. They could go to the harbor and rent sh.i.p.s. There were even luxury cruise sh.i.p.s. For those who couldn't afford but still wanted to cruise the seas of Arcadia, they could simply go and choose the economy class ship. That's why the harbor was always filled with a decent number of players.
But today was different. The harbor didn't only have a decent number of players, it was almost filled to the brim. Why? Because today it became a special venue for the participants of this year's Rookie Carnival. Their journey to the tournament finals would begin here.
Because of that, there were NPCs around that were there to control the whole situation so as to not cause stampede or any kind of commotion. Because not only the participants would need to be here, those who wanted to watch the prelims on the exact venue needed to also pass by here first.
A lot of conversations were going around. Most of it were simply about the theme of this upcoming preliminary. On the entrance of the harbor, all conversations suddenly stopped because of a group of players who teleported there.
Two were male elves, one with blond hair and the other with unusual white hair. Both have extraordinary appearance, one handsome and the other beautiful. The latter was obviously one of the newly added special races. Beside them was a black-haired gnome. With just his hair and eye color, one could also quickly tell that he's from a special race.
But the ones who truly attracted the attention of the players near there were the remaining four of the seven. One was more famous than the other. Morganite, White Marsh, and YUN – members of team Yunyue. Even though almost everyone was mocking them as 'fallen champions', nobody could take away the fact that they were the first team to win the Arcadia Cup. Besides, all three were on the PvP leaderboards of their class.
Then there was the remaining male player with messy black hair and sharp black eyes, constantly fidgeting on the side. Who else could it be but the number one Blacksmith in the game – Vulcan?
”That's team Yunyue, right? What are they doing here?”
”Shouldn't the question be what is Vulcan doing with them?”
”Could it be that he joined Yunyue?”
”What nonsense! Everyone knows that Vulcan can't fight. What could he do in Yunyue?”
”You're the one talking nonsense. Even if he couldn't fight, he could create personalized weapons and accessories for them. Who doesn't know that Vulcan's weapons are the best?”
Luo Ren who happened to hear all of these. He didn't expect that Yu Jiao was really famous. And not just famous, she was also the number one Blacksmith. Although he still couldn't completely understand the whole dynamics of this game, having people call you 'number one' must be something.
He glanced at Yu Jiao. As he expected, the other was blushing. She most likely also heard the things the players around them were saying. He still wasn't used to seeing her in this male form. But looking at that blush, the effect it gave him was still the same.
He walked beside Yu Jiao and whispered, ”Jiao Jiao seems to be really famous.”
He actually thought of reverting back to calling her 'Yu Jiao'. But he felt like if he did, this barrier between them would never be broken. So, he would just continue to be shameless. Find authorized novels in , faster updates, better experience, Please click #%5Bbl%5D_13719703905965805/arriving-at-safehaven-harbor_52299791631186613 for visiting.
Yu Jiao's blush intensified even more when she heard what Luo Ren said. ”N-no. I'm not that f-famous.”