LUO YAN bit a bite of tangyouguozi – a famous snack in Chengdu made with sugar, flour, and sesame. He actually wanted to buy more but only allowed one stick which had three pieces skewered on it.
The five of them were now walking on Kuan Alley. Assistant Xing volunteered to be their tour guide, but his father refused. He wanted to explore the place on their own. Which Luo Yan also preferred. And since vehicles were not allowed inside Kuanzai Xiangzi, Assistant Xing remained at the entrance with the car.
It was really true when Assistant Xing mentioned that Kuan Alley symbolized the old life of Chengdu. One could see it on the architectural designs and feel it in the ambience of the place. Find authorized novels in , faster updates, better experience, Please click #%5Bbl%5D_13719703905965805/luo-yan's-thoughts-and-luo-ren's-doubts_51292929695731302 for visiting.
Luo Yan had been eating bite sized snacks since they entered the alley. He could only eat one piece of the same kind. Which was truly a waste. But if he ate more, just like what his father and brothers had said, he would definitely have indigestion. Seriously, this delicate stomach.
Now, more than ever, he wished that real life could be the same as the VR world. At least there, he could eat whatever he wanted and wouldn't have to worry about the after effects.
To lessen his slight depression about not eating enough, he just took snap shots one after the other using his phone. He actually thought of using a camera. But it would be too c.u.mbersome to bring. Besides, phone cameras nowadays had such high specs that it didn't matter whether he used one of the two.
He took stolen shots of his brothers and father. He smiled looking at how handsome they were. Then he pointed the camera to Shen Ji Yun and was slightly startled when he saw that the other was looking at him. Shen Ji Yun also appeared startled, probably because he didn't think that he would suddenly turn to his direction and thus would be caught watching him.
Shen Ji Yun quickly looked away. Their distance was not that close, but Luo Yan could still see the sudden redness of the tip of his ear. A sign that the other was absolutely embarrassed right now.
He raised his hand to his lips to hide his smile. Really, how could this guy be cold, handsome, cute, and shy all at the same time? Seeing this side of him in real life definitely had different effects compared to when they were in the game.
Since they arrived at Kuan Alley, Shen Ji Yun had been walking quite a bit far from him. It's probably because he was being careful so that none of Luo Yan's family members would notice that his affection for him went way beyond friendship. Luo Jin was already treating him like an enemy. If Luo Yan's father or older brother joined the fray, it would definitely be chaotic.
His family knowing about Shen Ji Yun's feelings at this point in time would just be disadvantageous. Not just for Shen Ji Yun but for him as well. He hadn't yet fully organized his feelings or what to do with it. He didn't want his family to go full blown protectors and prevent him from meeting Shen Ji Yun. Which would surely happen once they found out that Shen Ji Yun saw him in that way.
All they could do was wait.
Wait for the right timing.
Luo Yan was sure that his family would be able to accept his relationship with Shen Ji Yun. They're not judgmental people and they're definitely not homophobic. Once they saw how good Shen Ji Yun was to him, they would slowly accept the idea of them being together. It might take time but it would definitely happen.