THE next morning, although Yu Jiao had managed to calm herself, she still wasn't able to sleep properly. Maybe she wasn't just comfortable with the new environment she was in or maybe her body was just not used to the overly soft bed under her. But only she knew that it was still all because of what happened last night.

If she could, she really wanted to turn back time to the time when Luo Yan invited her to sleepover and used everything she had to refuse him. But things had already happened. There's no use crying over spilt milk. All she could do was bravely face the consequences.

She sighed. She looked at her phone that she placed on the bedside table and saw that it was only six in the morning. Maybe she could just go home like this, so as to avoid the embarrassment of facing Luo Ren. She would just message Luo Yan later. And then she thought, wouldn't that look like she was running away? Like she was greatly affected by what happened.

Although that was true, for some reason, she didn't want Luo Ren to think that her mentality couldn't handle something like that. She cringed. That kind of thinking made her look childish. As if she didn't want to be on the losing end. But what were they competing exactly?

She just shook her head and stood up from the bed. She took the pair of shirt and jeans and went to the bathroom. After a quick shower, she dried her hair and wore the clothes. Both the shirt and the jeans were a bit too big for her. She simply folded the waist of the jeans to fit her. When she was sure that it wouldn't fall off from her, she walked out of the bath. She wore her glasses and the jacket of her gym clothes. Then she made the bed. She picked up her backpack and put her phone in it. She looked around the room and after making sure that she didn't forget anything, she went out.

She just walked for a few steps when one of the doors on the second floor opened and Luo Ren walked out. Yu Jiao's steps paused in mid-air and she couldn't help but stare at the person in front of her. He was wearing a fitted dark-blue long-sleeved polo tucked inside gray slacks and paired with black leather shoes.

Seeing him, for some reason, her heart started beating abnormally. As if it would jump out of her chest. Then slowly, she felt her whole face heating up. She quickly looked down so he wouldn't notice it. What was wrong with her? Was this because of what happened last night? Did that mean that she was just being shy? Somehow, that possibility made it even worse.

Like Yu Jiao, Luo Ren also stopped on the spot when he saw her. He stared at the tall teenager. Her black hair was still as messy, as if she didn't bother combing it. Half of her face was still covered by those tacky glasses. The clothes that she's wearing was obviously a size bigger than her, except probably for her jacket. Which was not surprising, considering that those clothes originally belonged to Luo Jin. This showed that despite being taller than some teenage boys her age, her frame was still smaller than those said boys.

But if one only looked at her like this, they would certainly assume that she was a boy. Just like he did. Which really bit him hard back in the ass.

Luo Ren couldn't see Yu Jiao's expression because of her glasses. Once again, he felt the urge to remove those glasses. Then he saw her suddenly looking down and he just felt like he had been hit by something. Did she not even want to see him? Was the sight of him really that hard to look at? Could she not even bear to look at him?

He felt panicked. As if something inside him was shouting that he should fix this immediately. And so, he did. No time was better than now.

”Good morning, Yu Jiao. Could I please speak with you?” he started.

Yu Jiao felt entangled. Because she was sure that the other would definitely talk to her about what happened last night. She wanted to say 'there's really no need for him to speak with her'. But when she saw the serious expression on his face, she could only nod.