Chapter 246 - PREPARATIONS (II) (1/2)
SHOULD he give Shen Ji Yun a reward? Although, at this point in time, Luo Yan couldn't really give him what he truly wanted. After all, he was still not sure what he was feeling for him. Yes, he was fond of him and really like him as a person. But not in the same way that he liked him. Or at least not to that level.
It would be really irresponsible of him if he told as a reward that him he liked him romantically. Especially when that was not the case. That would bring more unnecessary trouble. Not to mention, he might even end up really hurting Shen Ji Yun. Which was the last thing he ever wanted.
If there would come a time that their feelings would truly align with each other, then he wouldn't hesitate to confess to him. What's the point in hiding it, right? But unfortunately, that's not the case right now.
In short, he should think of other reward. But what could be good? He shook his head. He would think about that after the opening of his pavilion was done. That way, he didn't have any other thing to worry about. He might gain an idea tomorrow. After all, he and Shen Ji Yun would go to his Origin Village tomorrow to look for that dragon.
No longer thinking about that problem, he entered the building where he bought the NPCs.
As usual, an NPC immediately approached him.
”What can I get for you, dear customer?” the male NPC asked.
”I'm here to take the NPCs I bought last Monday,” he said.
”Can you please tell me your name?”
A holographic screen appeared in front of the NPC. He scrolled through it as if checking his identity. ”They're ready for you. Please, come this way,” the NPC said after a while.
He led the way to one of the rooms on the ground floor. Luo Yan followed. The room seemed like some kind of waiting room with nothing but couches and stuff.
”Please, wait a while. I will get your purchase in a minute,” the NPC said gesturing for him to sit down.
Luo Yan nodded and sat down on one of the couches. The NPC then walked towards the inner room connected to the room they were in. Eclipse jumped off from his shoulder and landed beside him.
[Mashter, Eclipse wants another fruit.]
He looked down at the little fox. [Aren't you worried you'd get fat? Eating so much.]
[Mashter, don't worry, that won't happen. All the nutrients Eclipse get from eating Mana fruits add to his power. They don't turn into fat. So, Mashter, rest assured, Eclipse will forever be cute and adorable.]
Luo Yan laughed. Seriously, did this little thing inherit his personality of something?
The next moment, the NPC returned with five male NPCs behind him. Luo Yan inspected each NPCs. All were wearing ancient clothing. The designs were particularly similar to one another. The clothes were simple but it had elegance in them. Just perfect for NPCs working at his pavilion. He nodded with satisfaction.
”Greetings, Master,” the five NPCs said altogether.
Luo Yan felt uncomfortable for a bit. Because it really did feel like he just bought five handsome slaves. He shook that feeling. It's not as if he bought them to do some nasty things. They're going to be one of his employees, working with him to make his pavilion even better. With that thought in mind, the slight uncomfortable feeling he felt was finally gone.
”Can you give each of them a cloak? Preferably something bigger that could hide their faces,” he said to the NPC working in the building.
”Of course.”