Chapter 199 - CONFUSED FEELINGS (1/2)
LUO YAN stared at the tall young man standing in front of pavilion. He was wearing a dark blue trench coat over a cream-colored turtle-neck long-sleeved and a straight black washed up denim. With his slightly wind-blown hair and those pair of startling blue eyes, he looked like a star that just came out of a movie screen.
Luo Yan's heart that was already beating fast was now beating even harder. He had no idea why. He couldn't even point a specific reason for it. Could it be that it's because he was just not used to seeing him in reality? After all, almost all their interactions had been inside the game. That's really the only reason he could think of.
The only real-life interaction they had was during the graduation of his older brother two months ago. It didn't even last for an hour. It just left an impression on him because of how handsome Shen Ji Yun was. That's why when they met again in the game, it didn't take long for him to recognize him.
Luo Yan just didn't expect that seeing him again in reality would have such an effect on him.
If Luo Yan had such thoughts, then Shen Ji Yun also had one of his own.
He was looking at Luo Yan as if he was the only one that his blue eyes could see. And right now, that was truly the case. He had seen him through video calls a couple of times. But those calls didn't give the rabbit's beauty any justice.
He was sitting there, his big peach blossom eyes staring straight at him. Even at this distance, he could see how long and thick his eyelashes were. His lips had a natural pinkish tint to it. And his white porcelain like skin looked so soft to the touch.
Even doing nothing and just simply sitting there, he looked adorable as hell. Shen Ji Yun just wanted to pick him up and hug him tight. He stopped and was extremely startled by that sudden thought.
He knew he was fond of Luo Yan. It was not just because of his appearance. If he became fond of every beautiful person he met, then his friends couldn't be counted with only one hand. There's just simply something about Luo Yan that pulled him in. Whatever that was, it was something that only Luo Yan probably had.
But even he knew that wanting to hug someone was not something you would feel for someone you simply feel fond of. Especially if that someone happened to be a boy like yourself. So, how could he solve this problem he couldn't exactly understand?
Before his brain could think of an answer, a tall and rather aggressive looking teenager suddenly appeared on his line of sight. Completely blocking his view of the rabbit. And because of that, even the thoughts running through his mind was completely interrupted.
”What the hell are you staring at?” the tall teenager asked.
Looking at him now, Shen Ji Yun noticed that he looked particularly alike to that annoying gnome. After looking at him carefully, Shen Ji Yun finally realized that this was Luo Yan's younger brother.
”Certainly not you,” he answered coolly. Then he bypassed him and walked inside the pavilion.
He faltered in his steps for about a second. He wanted to sit beside Luo Yan but because of the thoughts that was running through his mind earlier, he suddenly wavered and ended up sitting beside Bai Ze. After he sat down, he immediately regretted his action. Because it seemed like he was running away for some reason.
At the same time, when Luo Yan saw that Shen Ji Yun sat beside Bai Ze, he felt a pang of disappointment. Wait- why did he feel disappointed? Because Shen Ji Yun didn't sit beside him? But why would he feel that way?
He was someone who prized himself with having a pretty high EQ. That's why he was able to easily read the emotions of the people around him. And played with those emotions if he needed to. But there had been instances involving Shen Ji Yun where he couldn't understand his own emotion. Just like right now.