Chapter 184 - A SOFT CINNAMON ROLL (1/2)
LUO YAN chatted with Luo Ren all afternoon before dinner. That's why he only had time to go online after that. Not that he minded. Since he really enjoyed talking to his older brother. Their father even joined later. And the both just spoiled him non-stop. Which he always enjoyed. Although it's really quite shameless of him to enjoy it. Since he's technically much older than Luo Ren, soul-wise. But he's the only one who knew it, so just let him be shameless.
When he logged in, he arrived at their team's headquarters' main hall. He first looked at his friend list. He saw that only his younger brother was online while the rest of their team was offline. He probably logged out in a different place last night, that's why he didn't appear here with him.
He first sent him a message.
Noctis: [Ah Jin, where are you? Want to grind levels?]
It didn't take long for Luo Jin to reply.
AmazingYoungMasterJin: [I'm at the plaza, waiting for that advertis.e.m.e.nt. Because a certain someone couldn't be bothered to just show me the video.]
Noctis: [Ah, I wonder who that certain someone is. Making our cute and adorable Ah Jin work so hard.]
AmazingYoungMasterJin: […]
When he didn't receive a reply, he knew that the kid was probably irritated with him. He probably decided not to talk to him anymore. He chuckled. And then he sent another message. This time, to Shen Ji Yun. He sent it both to his real and alt account. So he could immediately see it once he logged in, no matter what account he used.
Noctis: [Brother Ji Yun, send me a message once you're online.]
After that, he went to his designated room in the palace. There wasn't much decoration in his room. He just didn't think that he should put an effort into decorating when he barely even stayed here. Because of the almost bare look of the room, the black egg on the table was even more eye-catching.
He walked towards it and lifted it up. ”How are you my Little Ancestor? Did you miss Master? Of course you did.”
He took a sling bag that was hanging beside the bed and put the black egg inside. This way, it would be easier for him to fight while holding on to his Little Ancestor. He didn't need to input any more Mana into the egg because it was already close to hatching. In his estimates, his Little Ancestor would hatch either by tomorrow or the next day.
”Let's go, my Little Ancestor.”
He then teleported out of there.
Luo Yan just turned level 71 when he received a notification for a new message. So he immediately jumped away from the group of monsters he was fighting. He made sure that he was in a safe area before opening the message. He thought that it was from Shen Ji Yun, but surprisingly, it's from Luo Jin.
AmazingYoungMasterJin: [Yan! What's with that advertis.e.m.e.nt? You're that black haired elf right?]
Noctis: [It's me.]
AmazingYoungMasterJin: [Where are you?]
Luo Yan already had a feeling that his younger brother would only nag at him because he appeared in the video. He could already imagine his little face all scrunched up face. So he answered;
Noctis: [Not telling.]
Then he followed it up with;
Noctis: [Don't send any more message, I won't reply. Just scold me later when I log out.]