Chapter 78 - A SEDUCTIVE GENTLEMAN (1/2)

LUO YAN walked out of the teleportation portal, closely followed by Luo Jin.  They just stepped into Matlock Town – one of the four major towns in Arcadia.  They're now eligible to enter it after reaching level 36.  But what got Luo Yan really excited was that they could now go dungeon raiding.  They're level was now enough to enter a dungeon instance.  Which meant they could now start gathering materials for the crafting of their weapons.

He already had a dungeon in mind that they could go to.  If the list of dungeons in this VR version was still the same as that of the PC version, that is.

”Ah Jin, let's go to the Task Hall,” he said.

”Are we going to take another task?” Luo Jin asked.  Being in this new town, he thought his second brother would want to sightsee or something.

”Yes.  But let's look first for the location of the instance portals in this area.”

Arcadia was like a big continent that could be divided into four parts.  Those four parts centered around the four major towns.  Of course, there were other places in Arcadia which were not covered by the land surrounding those four towns.  But they were not that many.  So most of the portal instances of dungeons were located on the land area surrounding the four towns.  Of course, there were dungeons which couldn't be found there.  Those could be considered very special.

”Instance portals?” Luo Jin asked, a bit confused.

Luo Yan nodded.  ”For the dungeons.  Didn't I tell Ah Jin that most of the materials needed for crafting the best weapon could be found during dungeon raids?”

Yeah, Luo Jin somehow remembered that.  He's not even surprised now how much this brother of his knew about this game.  This probably only showed how much he liked the game.

Luo Yan led the way towards the Task Hall, he already checked in the map earlier where it was located.  While walking, he looked around.  Based on the map of the town, Matlock seemed to be bigger than Olkdale.  It even looked more prosperous.  Maybe because only level 36 players and higher could enter here.  If he went with that assumption, then the remaining two towns would be much bigger and more prosperous than this one.

Soon, they arrived at the Task Hall.  The architecture of the building was no different from the one located at Olkdale Town.  They went inside and Luo Yan first looked for a screen that would show the location of the instance portal.  He immediately found it.

It was a screen floating on the right side, showing a map.  At the center of it was Matlock Town and surrounding it were five blinking red dots with the name of a place under it and the name of the dungeon instance at the top.  He pulled Luo Jin towards it.  At the bottom of the screen were the words; 'Dungeon Instances'.  He looked at the map and grinned when he found the dungeon he was looking for.

Luo Jin happened to see this grin.  It was the kind of satisfied and excited grin.  ”Have you already decided where we should go?”

”Yes.  But we still have a problem.”


”In order to raid a dungeon, at least a team with five members are needed.  But Ah Jin and I are only two, so it's a problem.”

Luo Jin clucked his tongue.  ”Why does it have to be so troublesome?”

Luo Yan knew that his brother probably didn't want to team up with a group of strangers.  He also didn't want that.  What if they teamed up with a group of pig team mates?  Instead of being an advantage, it would definitely be just the opposite.  But having only two people raiding a dungeon was not allowed.  So what choice did they have?

The only other person he knew in this game was Shen Ji Yun.  Who probably still hadn't logged-in in the game.  Considering how he still hadn't replied to his private message.  So, strangers were their only choice.

”Excuse me, I didn't mean to eavesdrop, but are you two looking for team mates for a dungeon raid?” suddenly asked by a voice behind them.

Luo Yan and Luo Jin both glanced back and saw a male player wearing a white robe.  He had a very approachable face.  The kind that could make friends easily.  Luo Yan stared at him and answered, ”Yes, we are.”

The guy seemed fl.u.s.tered being looked at by Luo Yan.  But he still continued to say, ”Then do you mind teaming up with me and my friends?”

”Before I answer, could I ask what dungeon you and your friends were planning to raid?”

”The Infernal Chasm.”