Chapter 57 - IVY GROVE MANOR (II) (1/2)

”ANNE, my daughter, she's a good girl.  How could this happen to her?” said the mother NPC while crying.

”Can you tell me the exact details of your daughter's disappearance?” Luo Yan asked.

”Since the second girl in the village disappeared, I didn't allow Anne to go anywhere for fear that it would happen to her as well.  My daughter is quite beautiful, you see.  Who would have thought that... that...”  The NPC bursted into tears.  ”T-that night was just like any other night.  After dinner, we all read together for some entertainment, then we all went to sleep.  The next day... the next day, wh-when I went to Anne's room, she- she's gone!”

”Didn't you hear or see anything during the middle of the night?” he asked.

”N-no.  Nothing.  We didn't notice anything.”

”Was it really that you didn't notice anything or the people in your house were just sleeping too deeply that night?”

”We-” The NPC seemed to want to refute but then stopped, as if she suddenly realized something.  ”You're right.  That night, we were probably all sleeping soundly that's why we didn't hear anything.  Could that mean something, Mr. Detective?”

[Yeah, most likely.]  ”Thank you for your cooperation,” Luo Yan said instead.  ”I'll make sure to put these information to good use.  I'll definitely find out what happened to Miss Anne and the others.”

He then said goodbye before the NPC began another round of dramatic performance.  Seeing these NPCs behaving so humanly was really a bit unnerving.  Especially those that were involved in a task that had some kind of back story in it.  But despite that, he must really give a thumbs up to the game designers for all their efforts.

Luo Yan walked out of the small cottage.  This was the fifth household he'd been into since his talk with the Innkeeper.  Although the NPCs here were full of vigilance and didn't want to talk to him at first, but as long as he mentioned Mr. Sutton - the owner of Ivy Grove Manor - they would open their doors for him.  Showing their great trust towards the  Sutton family.

After five interviews, almost everyone had the same sets of answers.  All found the girls gone in their rooms and the night before, all the members of their families were in deep sleep.  None of them woke up in the middle of the night, so of course none of them knew what really happened during the night of the disappearance.

But that's not all, when he asked the neighbors of those families what they saw anything on the night those girls disappeared, all of them said that they didn't.   Because they all slept soundly that night.  Too soundly, in fact.  There's no way Luo Yan would think that all of these things were just mere coincidences.  Something shady was definitely happening here.

If it was only one family group that experienced deep sleep during the disappearance of one of the girls, then he wouldn't think too much.  But that was not the case.  Luo Yan suspected that during the night when the girls were taken, the whole village was probably put into a deep sleep.  That's why none of them notice anything.  If this was the case, then some black hand definitely was behind it.