Chapter 45 - YOU HAVE TO BE PRETTY (1/2)

”WHAT level are you now, Ah Jin?” Luo Yan asked.  The both of them were now walking on the street of Olkdale Town.  Though he really wanted to just sit in a corner and cuddle Luo Jin, he still hadn't had enough of his brother's cuteness.  But if he continued, Luo Jin might just kick him because of annoyance.

”13.”  Luo Jin actually wanted to leave his Origin Village after he reached level 15.  But since they already talked and planned to meet here today, he had no choice but to leave early.  He couldn't possibly let her second brother wander in this virtual town without him.  What if he got bullied?  ”You?”

”I'm a level higher than Ah Jin.”

Level 14?  He was a bit surprised hearing that.  He definitely spent more time playing this game for the past six days.  And yet his second brother, who had tutorial lessons during the day, still was a level higher than him.  Was he really just such a noob?  No, he'd been doing really good lately.  It just took a long while before he got used to controlling his game avatar.

Luo Yan, of course, noticed his brother's surprised.  ”Hey, does Ah Jin not believe me?  I told you, I'm good at this game.  I'll show you how good I am later when we're killing monsters.”

Luo Jin frowned thinking of Luo Yan fighting against monsters.  He shook his head and immediately threw away the idea of preventing his brother from fighting.  It would be stupid of him if he suggested that.  How could Luo Yan level up if he didn't fight?  Luo Jin just had to make sure that he wouldn't be hurt too badly.

”Then let's see who could kill more monsters,” he just said instead.

”Okay.  But I'll definitely win.”

Luo Jin snorted.  ”Don't be too”

”I'm not.  I'm just confident,” Luo Yan said smiling at his brother.  ”What items did you get from your Origin Village?” he asked, changing the subject.

”Not much.  An accesory that could increase Derived Stats, a special summoning card, and a metal that could be forged as a weapon.”

The first and last items were almost the same as two of the items Luo Yan got in his Origin Village.  But the second one was a bit new to him.  ”Can I see the summoning card?”

Luo Jin nodded since he didn't really mind.  He took the card from his Items Tab and gave it to Luo Yan.

Luo Yan took it.  The card had an image of some kind of golem at the front and the same design as the runes on Luo Jin's body at the back.  He put it at his Items Tab so he could see its information.

Golem God Summoning Card

- With this, you have the chance to summon the golem god for three times.  The golem god has an unlimited HP and high attacking power.  Once summon, it won't stop until it defeated your enemy.  After summoning it three times, this card will automatically vanish from your Items Tab.  So use it well.

A summoning card?  Was this another addition from the new update?  Maybe he should look into the forum once again.  It would be good if he could actually talk to an informed player.  Should he make friends here?  Whatever the case, this summoning card idea was as interesting as the new pet system.

He took the summoning card from his Items Tab and gave it back to Luo Jin.

”How about you, what did you get?” Luo Jin asked while putting the card back in his Items Tab.

”This bracelet that could also increase my Derived Stats.  Something that could also be forged into a weapon and an Invisibility Cloak.”

”Invisibility Cloak?  Like in Harry Potter?”

”Yeah, almost.  But it has limitations and I can't just use it all the time.  I'll let you try it later.  And oh, I also took an egg from a cave where a dragon sleeps.”

”A dragon?”

Luo Yan didn't hear his brother's question because he just remembered that he had to buy an artificial beast incubator for the egg.  ”Shoot.  I almost forgot.”  He opened the Map of the town and looked for the location of the General Store.  When he found it, he turned to Luo Jin and held him up.

”Wait- Yan!  What are you doing?  Put me down!” Luo Jin complained, blushing red in embarrassment.

”I have to go somewhere and it would be faster this way,” Luo Yan answered, running towards the direction of the General Store.

Luo Jin wanted to complain some more but when he saw the hurried look of his second brother, he just shut up and decided to endure the embarrassment.

It didn't take long before they arrived at the General Store.  Once there, Luo Yan immediately put down Luo Jin.

Luo Jin looked up at the big building with a 'General Shop' on it.  ”This is where you have to go?”

Luo Jin nodded.  ”I have to buy something for the egg.”