Chapter 29 - CREEPY LOOKING TREE (1/2)

LUO YAN slammed down the long knife he was holding, killing off his 20th Blight.  Then he heard the familiar bell-like notification, indicating that he leveled-up.  He immediately jumped away from the area where he was fighting the Blights.  He first began eating red berries to renew his HP and then opened his Stats Tab.

He was now level 10.  Which meant he now had 4 stat points to add to his Basic Stats.  He didn't hesitate to add 2 points on STR and then 1 points each to his AGI and DEX.

He saw a vine creeping at his periphery.  Luo Yan immediately moved.  His swing was much faster than the vines attack, allowing him to kill it in just three moves.  That's the 21st Blight.  Luo Yan smiled and looked at the vines around.

[Now let's kill 9 more.]

He moved like a whirlwind - slashing, jumping, dodging.  He put all his strength in his every attack.  His every movement was precise and knife like.  As if he was taught by some master to fight like this.  But, of course, that was impossible.

Luo Yan didn't practice any martial arts.  He didn't have the money to learn anything of those sorts.  All his moves were based on the moves his character made when he was playing the PC version of Arcadia.  He just had to think about it and his body would move accordingly.  It's probably a good thing that he had a pretty good memory, a shitload of imagination, and, one might as well add, fast brain activity.  With the combinations of the three, he was able to move and fight freely.

Soon, he finally managed to kill 30 Blights.  Then a notification screen appeared in front of him.

[Congratulations!  You now finished the Elder's task of killing 30 Blights.  Please go back to the village and get your reward from the Elder.]

Of course, he wouldn't go back to the village.  He still had to do the additional task - looking for the source of the Blights and kill it.  Now how should he go about doing that?

Luo Yan jumped to the branch of the tallest tree around.  From there, he observed the surrounding.  It seemed like killing 30 Blights didn't really do much since there were still a lot of Blights around.  He looked carefully and then noticed something.

When he started killing the Blights earlier, these vine monsters only moved when he entered their attack range.  But right now he noticed some movements.  Some vines started to move further towards North.  Their movements were slow, barely noticeable in fact, but Luo Yan still saw it.  He raised one of his brows.

These monster vines wouldn't move for no reason.  There's no one here aside from him who could enter their attack range.  And since he's up here and not anywhere near them, there's no reason for them to move.  So, the only thing he could think of why they're moving right now was because it's related to the reason they're invading this part of the forest.  Him killing those 30 Blights was probably what triggered this phenomenon.