777 775 Thats just the name. (1/2)
When we could retreat the first and second waves of the antidemons with the Dwarves, there was no major raid afterwards.
to the extent that small flocks strike sporadically. And in a matter of hours, the anti-demon figure had completely disappeared.
He must have overhunted the antidemons around him. Brunen, who was consulting with the Dwarves, gives the soldiers instructions to withdraw.
”It's time to return. Get ready.”
”Leaving already?
”Oh. Because there won't be any more antidemons around here -”
”It's a decree!
That's when a man on a horse ran into the position. Apparently, he's from the management board.
It appears to be in great haste. People and horses sweat, and it turns out we've come this far in great haste. Seeing that figure, the soldiers must have decided it was an emergency, too.
It was passed before the Brunens, with little or no futile catch-up.
Brunen and O'Falve are gathered again to listen to the decree.
A few minutes later. Fran and the Hilts were gathered under Brunen.
Therefore, they are informed of the circumstances in which the decree was in a hurry.
”So just a little further, the antidemons have formed a great army?
”That's right. People from a country called Bashar beat the crap out of it.”
I didn't think you'd hear that name here! Fran is a surprise face too.
The Kingdom of Bashar is the name of an enemy nation, which joined forces with Murreria to attack the kingdom of the Beasts.
But that invasion should have failed due to the activity of the Frans and vice versa being attacked by the Beast Nation......
”What, does Fran know?
”Mm. Enemy Nation of the Beast Nation”
”Oh, could it be that last year, you lost a battle against the Beast Nation?”
I thought it wouldn't be strange if the Beast King stayed licked and couldn't forgive him, but he was already doomed... They still had it.
Moreover, we have sent troops to carry out Goldician duties. Can you afford that kind of country that's supposed to be in crisis with the Beast Nation counterattack?
When Fran said the same thing, Brunen told me a lot. Rather, this seems to be the measure to protect the country.
”It is internationally forbidden for another country to attack a country that has marched to fulfill its Goldician responsibilities. Break it and all the surrounding countries will turn to their enemies”
Speaking of which, you talked about that.
If it were frequent to be attacked while sending soldiers to the Goldician continent, every country would become reluctant to march. Whatever you do, you're gonna show the enemy a gap.
To prevent such a situation, something like a treaty seemed to be laid down internationally.
They are not allowed to wage war on a country marching to Goldicia, and if they are at war, they must put an end to it.
I guess the Bashar kingdom thought about using it because their turn just came around.