646 644 Two wounds (1/2)
”Sword deification!
Shortly after Fran shouted so, the super acceleration of the spirit alone by Lane was solved, and the surrounding scenery poured out all at once like turbulence in the river.
I knew it, but the senses are awesome!
A tremendous super acceleration, from a state that was still visible. Immediately after, the ugly flesh of the Great Warcraft, with its countless mouths floating on its body surface, is capitalized in front of its sight.
Collision - do not.
Fran cut it off.
We instantly corrected the sensory discrepancies and tried to make a brilliant blow with everything we could, including sword deification, potential liberation, and evil mastery.
Slightly shifted to the right over aim, but there would be no choice there.
A tremendous flow of power running through my sword is unleashed on the Great Warcraft.
But not long after I learned what it felt like to cleave the Great Warcraft myself, I unlocked potential liberation and other enhancement skills at about the same time as the slaughter and activated the metastasis.
If that's not the case, we're not getting out of here in time for the metastasis.
But the feeling of slashing something that remains slightly. That tells the story of the success of the attack.
”What do you say?
”... n”
Moving up into the sky on the brink of a collision with the Great Warcraft, we saw an amazing sight there.
'Have you succeeded... And Sierra.'
Two giant wounds were worn on the Great Warcraft. Two slash marks, running parallel vertically.
I can see the presence felt from the Great Warcraft dropped a few steps. Our attack definitely seemed to have left a lot of damage.
One was put on by our slaughter. And the other...
Under his eyes, Sierra was solidified as she dressed her demon sword zero thread up. No, are you remorseful? Immediately, he is slowly lowering his zero lead and exhaling gently.
Anyway, the other wound seemed definitely put on by Sierra's slashing.
”Sierra's attack. Sounds like you had the same power as a blow all over us... '
Seriously. This is how the scratches line up, so I know better. The width, depth, and both were pretty much the same.
'No, our attacks are divine attributes. Wound healing should be slow!
That's what I was thinking......
”Shh, shh, shh, shh...”
”Play, don't start”
”And that wound over there?
Apparently, evil was eroding the wound and inhibiting regeneration.
I didn't think they'd launch an attack of almost equal power, even though I was a little out of shape.
Looking at Sierra with a complicated look, I saw her collapse on the spot. Black evil is covering his entire body.