439 437 Ayworths Way (1/2)
I was going to take Ayworth to Count Baileys' mansion, but Faith ran out of breath and jumped into the basement.
”Faith, what's going on?
”It appears that the Knights have already begun entering the Ormes Mansion”
Oh, my God! There's got to be over an hour on the schedule!
”What do you mean?
Looks like the king ordered the Knights directly.
Naturally, even Royal Castle seemed to regard this incident as serious. And the king, who was briefed by the Count of Baileys, who climbed the castle, decided on the spot to summon the Marquis of Ashtoner. A messenger was sent.
It was about convicting him of treason if he didn't respond, but he said the Marquis didn't even show up to respond. Apparently, the house sergeant who drools excuses was captured, and the Knights were carried straight into formation.
The strength of the king's sense of crisis can also be seen from the speed of an hour to this point. Also, trust in the Earl of Baileys and strong mistrust of the Marquis Ashtoner family seems to be connected to the speed of this decision.
No, if you're not ready in the first place, you can't even go out. Maybe Count Baileys has read this far? The intelligence of the Marquis Ashtoner family is not insulting, and it is possible that the Count has been known to say he will be out in three hours. If so, I dare to speak in three hours, and raid before then to control the lead. It won't be an impossible story.
I recall the conversation Fran and the Earl had before the launch.
”If it's too late, the Knights could be the only ones out there, right?
”If that's what's going on, move as you please. Your virtues will live better. But don't forget to work with the knights, okay?
That's the conversation. Could that have been supposed to happen?
”The Earl of Baileys, as head, says he's in command in the square in front of the royal castle,”
That's an amazing bandit guild that has all this information in a short time. It would still not extend to the Adventurer Guild in terms of combat, but it would mean an overwhelming victory in the information network.
”In the aristocratic district, it appears that heavy fighting has already begun”
From Ashtoner Marquis Mansion, Count Olmes Mansion and its separate mansions, swordsmen ruled by pseudo-fanatical swords appear, saying they are fighting fiercely against the Knights.
”What's the status of the war? What about the weird guys with the stab of the sword?
”I'm out. The Knights seem to be at a disadvantage.”
I knew it would happen. Adventurers and mercenaries who are potentially liberated by pseudo-fanatical swords. Much stronger than a knight. Plus more regenerative. If magic and skill are defeated, the decision-maker will lack it.
”About 20 adventurers rushed out of the Adventurers Guild to support them. I'm just an adventurer over the middle, but how much power will I have...”
”Are you going to lose?
”No. The Alliance Master is still gathering other adventurers, and the knights are gathering from within the King's City, so they won't be more disadvantaged than they are now”
So, where do you think we should head for relief? Or should we take this opportunity to head to the rescue of Garth or Bermelia?
Besides, there's something I'm worried about.
”Hey, no enemies came out of the Viscount's mansion somehow with underground space?
”Is this Viscount Alsando's residence? Yes, he said he turned the knight, but he said it was a stuffed shell.”
”Hmm. That's suspicious the other way around.”
Besides, if you don't have any enemies, wouldn't it be a chance to explore the underground facilities? That's what they thought of the Bandit Guild.
”... young lady. Will you leave the battle to the Knights and Adventurers to go to Viscount Alsando's residence? Even we are concerned about the whereabouts of Master Garth. If we do well, we can sell thanks to them.”
Just what we want. I left the contact to the Count to Faith, and we decided to head straight to Viscount Alsando's mansion.
Even though Ayworth is an old man, he comes without difficulty to the former Rank A, Fran, who runs to face. While I heard from Fran about the pseudo-fanatical sword and so on, there was no way to make him breathe out.
The little old man with the bent hips who runs lightly is unusual in sight. It reminded me of an urban legend called Turbo Baba. Sometimes people are looking at each other differently.
The former Viscount Alsando residence was also on the edge of the South Side in the aristocratic district. Fighting does not yet appear to have occurred in this vicinity, as it is also out of place with the Marquis Ashtoner mansion and the Earl of Ormes mansion.
I hear explosions that seem to be magical objects from afar, as well as the hoarseness of the knights.
”This is the former Viscount Alsando residence.”
The garden of the mansion, which had been abandoned for more than another month, was gradually stretching out the grass and starting to get rough little by little. In the courtyard guided by the face, flowers such as flowerbeds are withered and shriveled.
Viscount Alsando is supposedly supposed to have returned to the territory with a sickness cure on the surface. But there is widespread talk of losing skills to spot lies and working disrespect for the royalty, and many noblemen and people in the back society say they know the truth.