58 56 Core rooms (1/2)

After the spider is extinct.

One line was coming to the dungeon core room.

”That's the demon ore.”

”Hmm. Is it such a pure demon ore? That's awesome.”

”It's a pile of treasure!

Clad shines his eyes and rushes over to the demon ore.


”Don't laugh! Who the fuck do you think this is?

”The Benefactor of Life”


”The price of life”

”Wow, I know!

Mr. Clad, Fran's fire magic turned my hair into a burning field, so I shaved off all my hair. It's funny how many times I look at its head, which is left to shave everywhere because of the painstaking shave with a dagger. Actually, it's a secret that you could have cured it with Greater Heels.



Both Amanda and Fran have failed to laugh every time they see it.

”Yes, sir. That's enough, Master Amanda. First, you'll recover the demon ore.”

Copy that.

”So let's all use this item bag.”


But that's a lot. The core room is filled with high-purity demon ore ingots. Demon Ore is quite valuable, isn't it? But it should help when you build a weapon.

”I know you do, but this is an outside secret. Speaking of which, I can break it right off with a pledge. It's not just about guilds, it's about countries, so be careful.”

”We had permission, so no problem, but if the outsiders try to get in, they'll be right at the entrance junction.”

”Fran, you should be careful, right? Because Gilmouth is so loud.”

”Why did you get there?

”The amount of this demon ore, don't you think, is a little too much?


”It is. The dungeon cores also have their own properties, and the magic involved in producing the same thing is different. So, in this dungeon, you can produce high-purity demon ore with unlikely less magic.”