11 Hellbound Memories (1/2)
With both men reapearing in the center of the huge arena, the two of them started gasping for air. Even though their actual bodies had nothing, the pain simulators in the VCP were very high-tech. So they had both just endured the pain of blowing up into smithereens. Henry burst out into laughter.
” What the actual fuck CALVERT. Yelled Landon. ARE YOU A MADMAN?!! ”
” What's wrong Commander. Can't tolerate a little pain ? ” berated Henry.
” You are literally crazy! You felt that pain too you fool! How can you still laugh? ” cried out Landon.
This was the most pain Landon had felt in a long time. The feeling of being torn to shreds. To him, it had appeared an eternity too. Landon had dropped the limiters on his body, as a last attempt to escape the explosion, but Henry had latched on to his wrist to keep him close. Since going back to full force, Landon's perception of time had slowed down quite a lot. Resulting in him feeling his skin peel off from the explosion. Then he felt his flesh rip apart, followed by his bones shattering and his organs being reduced to nothingness. To him, it had felt like several seconds, even though in fact, it had taken less than one.
” I've had enough for today. You, you better come see me later in my office. We need to talk. ” the Commander dropped, bluntly. And without further discussion, he logged out of the VCP and left the training room.
To Henry, who was still laying on the ground laughing, this had been nothing new. He had experienced worst during his training. Getting up after a few minutes of hysterical laughter, he logged off as well from the VCP. Getting out from the simulator pods, people were looking at him strangely. He was used to those bizarre looks from the training grounds, but in some eyes, he could see something different. Was that... respect? Walking straight to the door to go rest, he was intercepted by some big soldier. Not used to be stopped in such ways, Henry slowly brought his hands to his two knives.
” What do you want? ” Henry asked, a coldness in his tone.
” Woah there, friend. I have no ill intentions. I just wanted to say good job in your fights. ”
” Thank you, I guess? ” responded Henry, lowering back his hands.
” Hey man, it's not every day we see a new guy going even with a ranking officer. Where do you come from. ” asked the big guy.
” Earth. ” said Henry.
” WOW. You're actually from the home land. The name's Ben, by the way. Benjamin Graves. Space Marine lieutenant. What's your name and what force are you in mate? ”
” Calvert. Henry Calvert. Special Forces. Said Henry, not wanting to say too much. Listen Ben, I don't want to be rude, but I'm exhausted and want to rest. Mind letting me through? ”
” Ohh ya. Hah. Sorry Calvert. Sure thing. Rest well, the Commander looked pissed. I think you're gonna get thrashed on when you go see him Haha. ” laughed out Ben, moving out of the way.
Henry walked out swiftly, heading to the administrative building. Once inside, he asked the man at the desk where his quarters were.
” Name and unit please. ” answered the man.
” Calvert Henry, Special Forces. ”
After a few seconds of tapping, the man gave out directions towards Henry's new living quarters.
” Welcome to the military, Agent Calvert. I hope you don't die on your first assignment. ”
” Jeez, thank you man. Don't you sugarcoat it for me now. ” said Henry sarcastically, before leaving for his quarters.
After a few minutes walk from the administration building, he got to a small cabin, retired in the woods. Making sure he was at the right place, he slowly pushed in the door. Walking in to the empty house, he noticed how dusty it was. At that exact moment, he thought to himself that the cabin had clearly not been used in quite a while. Setting his stuff down on the porch outside, Henry started cleaning the inside of his dirty new home. It took the man about one hour to bring this dusty shack back into the world of the living. He was now standing in a cozy little cabin, that looked alot like his childhood cottage.
During the time he was cleaning outside, Henry had found the main power switch in the back of the cabin. Of course it was off, since the place was not being used. Once his task done, he went to the switch and flipped it on. Going back inside, the few lights hanging from the ceiling were now shining a dim yellowish light into his new abode. Satisfied with his work, Henry started bringing his stuff inside. He had a small room, a bathroom, and a common space composed of the kitchen, dinning room and living room all together. There also was a cozy fireplace. Not wanting to be spied on, Henry asked the System :
” System, can you scan for any EMF signals from cameras or mics in the house? ”
After a few seconds he got his answer.
” We detect no such devises in the premises. However the scan has revealed EMF signals from under the ground. System believes there is a room under the house. ”
” Ohh really now? Can you find the way in to that room. ”
” System detects a device hidden behind a wall mount next to the fireplace. ”
” Huh. Typical. ”
Walking to the fireplace, Henry pulled on the light mounted on the wall to the right. The wall mount hinged down and revealed a small button. Pressing on it, Henry heard a mechanical click, followed by the sounds of cogwheels turning behind the wall. The fireplace then slide to the left, revealing a small spiraled staircase going down.
” System detects life form named Joseph Landon in the basement level. No hostile intentions detected. ”
Going down the stair well, Henry got into a whole underground level. Walking into the main room, he found the Commander, sitting in a chair, waiting for him.
” Hello again Joseph. Care to tell me what you're doing in my lodgings. ”
” Shut up fool!! What kind of dumb tactic was that. Blowing yourself up. Are you stupid perhaps. I mean, what kind of idiot suicide bombs. That's not a victory. What did they teach you at that camp you freaking madman. ” angrily responded Landon.
” Awww, are you still angry you got blown up Joseph? It was all virtual. Don't cry you big sissy”, laughed out Henry. Now answer me, why are you in my home? ”