1 The beginning of the end (1/2)

*Bubble sounds*

''Initializing awakening sequence''


''Subject 241, awakening successful, beginning stasis pod drainage''

*Bubble noise intensifies*

*Grunting* ''Where the hell am I.''

Looking at his hands he notices they are not the hands of an old man.

''Welcome Subject 241, you have awakened. We shall now start a few tests to verify your mobility.

Please walk to the entrance of the room.''

Realizing the voice he kept hearing was from inside his head, he started panicking.


''Our appellation is Automated Combat Conscience, we would advise host not to yell, as for we are not a physical being and that might appear as signs of mental instability.''

Calming down, the man tried remembering the most basic of knowledge. Starting with his name. Slowly his memories started coming back to him. His name was Karl Hampton, CEO of Hampton Technologies. He was 85 years old (or at least he used to be) and he had a son.

Coming back to things at hand, Karl heard another 'notification' in his head.

''Mobility tests have yet to be accomplished, we advise host to complete said tests, as problems with the body should be fixed quickly.''

Without further ado, Karl walked to the door in front of him, after exiting the tubular shaped glass he was standing in.

''No anomalies detected within body, please proceed to exiting room for further results.''

Stopping his steps, Karl asked his new brain buddy, ''Why am I in this young body, I'm 85 years old, yet I don't feel a day older than 20''.

''Host body age calculated at 20 years 2 months and 7 days.''

''Wow that's precise. Now how did I even end up here.''

''Host has acquired modified body as per orders of project God of War Super Soldiers. Project is in infancy stages and has yet to result in success.''

''Project what now? Wait I remember now, I was getting old and I was approached for a project about conscience transfer. But I don't remember anything about the War Super Soldiers thingy you just said.''

''Host has been assigned a combat ready body, as per regulations of project. Please complete physical tests for further information on body capabilities.''

Meanwhile in his mind, Karl was jogging his memories, hellbent on remembering exactly what had happened.