Chapter 366 - Caught Red-hicked~ (1/2)
”Are you sure Jiejie is not awake yet? It's already past noon...” Xiao Ting said with a pout as she stretched out on the table. She was currently in Lei Xing's study and had been reading to pass the time for the last few hours but now she was really bored. All Lei Xing had here were war strategy books and philosophical nonsense. Xiao Ruo offered for her to embroider but after an hour of that, she had given up - she was not in the mood for it.
Xiao Ruo inwardly sighed, this was the nth time Xiao Ting was asking this question, ”The Empress was unwell last night and so she's sleeping a little longer.”
”A bit longer? It's already this late...” Xiao Ting mumbled in response. Wasn't it the same wine they drank, how come Lei Xing had ended up sick? Xiao Ting had woken up before the sun had even risen, perfectly fine. She could not remember much about yesterday, but since she was still completely herself in the morning, she considered this as an accomplishment. It turns out she was a great drinker, even better than Lei Xing. She was a little happy about this and also a little disappointed in Lei Xing's ability.
She knew how much Lei Xing disliked waking up, even if she was awake she won't come out unless motivated to. She was almost certain that Lei Xing had forgotten that she was even here. She had been wanting to go see Lei Xing since she woke up but Xiao Ruo had been getting in her way.
First, it was that she should freshen up first. She did that, then Xiao Ruo said that Lei Xing was unwell, which made Xiao Ting even more eager to see her. Xiao Ruo then informed that the Emperor was there too so it would be ”inappropriate”. So Xiao Ting waited until the sun rose high in the sky and the Emperor had left. She thought it was finally time but then Xiao Ruo said that the Emperor had ordered that no one was to disturb Lei Xing.
Honestly, Xiao Ting was getting the feeling that Xiao Ruo was messing with her and treating her like a child. But then again, Xiao Ruo would not dare to lie with the Emperor's name. So Xiao Ting could only console herself that it was good that the Emperor was taking such good care of her sister.
Xiao Ting waited in the guest room, then in the garden, and now here she was wallowing in Lei Xing's study but Lei Xing had still not woken up. At this point, she was impatient and a bit disgruntled.
Xiao Ting suddenly sat up and smiled at Xiao Ruo, ”Jiejie likes to roll around in bed a lot after waking up. How about we go check~?”
”Young Miss, the Empress also does not like to be disturbed when she is rolling around in bed. I'm sure she will send for you once she has risen... Just be patient.” Xiao Ruo wearily responded without looking up from the embroidery she was working on.
This babysitting job that Lei Xing had thrust upon her was a bit of a headache. Xiao Ruo had not left Xiao Ting's side since last night. She could not even sleep properly for fear that something would happen to this little princess Lei Xing adopted for the night. All this anxiety was due to Lei Xing's departing words as the Emperor dragged her off: 'Xiao Ruo you watch her! If anything happens to my baby, I will skin you and bathe in your blood!
Xiao Ruo had never heard Lei Xing threaten anyone much less herself. Even she did not think Lei Xing would actually skin her, it just stressed the importance of this little sister to Lei Xing. In just this short time, Xiao Ruo had noticed that these two sisters were as different as night and day.
Xiao Ting was bubbly, adorable, slightly clueless but overall sweet and happy. They both seemed to like food though, but that just a family trait or something. On the opposite end of the spectrum, Lei Xing was... Xiao Ruo shook her head to clear her mind, it was not her place to judge Lei Xing's character. Besides Lei Xing had some redeeming qualities too, for one thing, she was an incredibly easy master to serve once you got to know her. She was not picky and her only requirement was ”not bothersome”.
”I still think we should check!” Xiao Ting declared and speedily jumped to her feet rushing to the door. Without delay, Xiao Ruo sprung up and blocked her, ”Young miss, the Empress aside, the Emperor's words cannot be dismissed, just wait a bit more.”
Xiao Ting pouted, ”But I'm not going to disturb her. I'm just checking on her. It's been so long and you said she's sick. I'm just worried...” Xiao Ting said with a sniff, lowering her head and looking up at Xiao Ruo with teary eyes.
Xiao Ruo gulped, as a feeling of guilt washed over her. If anyone saw this they would think that Xiao Ruo was bullying her. Xiao Ruo watched as Xiao Ting dabbed at her eyes with her sleeve and caved, ”Alright, I'll take you but you must be quiet. Even if the Empre-”
”Great, let's go!” Xiao Ting interjected, suddenly perking up with a smile, tears and the abandoned puppy were gone in an instant as she bounced out of the door. Xiao Ruo knit her brows and held her head as she exhaled, she was definitely played. She had let her guard down, of course, anyone who grew up with someone like Lei Xing for an older sister would definitely have thick skin - they must also be shameless too.
Regardless of this realization, there was no way that shrewd puppy would let her go back on her words. So Xiao Ruo helplessly sighed and walked out of the study to find Xiao Ting standing at the intersection of the hallway, glancing left and right in confusion. Xiao Ruo sighed again and said, ”Take a right.”
”Oh.” Xiao Ting said, beaming a smile at her before continuing on her way as Xiao Ruo begrudgingly followed her. She really hoped this would not come back to bite her. As they neared Lei Xing's bedroom, Xiao Ruo advised, ”Even if the Empress is awake, I'm certain she will not in a good mood so you really can't be noisy.” Lei Xing was always grumpy the next morning after a drinking session so Xiao Ruo had learned to tread carefully.
Xiao Ting eagerly nodded, ”I know.” But as soon as the doors opened, Xiao Ting rushed in with a ”Jiejie!”
{...Didn't I just say be quiet! Scratch that! This one has problems too! >_<)/...}
Xiao Ruo almost burst a blood vessel as she rushed forward and clamped onto Xiao Ting's arm, ”Quiet!” She whispered in a panic.
”Oh, quiet.” Xiao Ting apologetically nodded, but it was too late as they heard a low groan followed up by Lei Xing's groggy voice, ”Xiao Ruo, what have I said about being loud in the morning? If it's not on fire don't shout...” She scolded.
”See, I told you she was awake~” Xiao Ting said as she shrugged Xiao Ruo off and went to over to the bed. She poked her head through the bed curtains and smiled down at Lei Xing, ”Jiejie, good morning~”
A surprised frown crossed Lei Xing's face as she went, ”What are yo- Oh, yes. I forgot about that.” She mumbled as she rolled onto her side and covered her face with the blanket, ”I'm sleeping, go away.” Xiao Ting had it right, Lei Xing had completely forgotten that she had adopted a lost puppy in her absurdity last night.
”Jiejie, don't sleep anymore. I've been waiting for a long time already.” Xiao Ting said as she parted and secured the bed curtains.
”I think...we should let her sleep.” Xiao Ruo quietly urged, not wanting Lei Xing to realize that she was the one who had brought Xiao Ting here to disturb her.
Xiao Ting ignored her and plopped down on the bed and lightly shook Lei Xing, ”Jiejie... are you really sick? I heard you weren't feeling well last night...Jiejie?”
Lei Xing g.r.o.a.n.e.d and turned back to Xiao Ting and irritatedly asked, ”Why do you have so much energy in the morning?”
”It's already past noon.” Xiao Ting helpfully informed, ”Even if you're sick you should still get up and eat something, otherwise how will you recover?”
Lei Xing rolled her eyes and pulled the blanket over her head again, ignoring her. Xiao Ting frowned, ”Jiejie, it's time to wake up!” She said as she yanked on the blanket, pulling it off Lei Xing's body.
Xiao Ting's eyes widened, ”Ji-ji-jiejie, why are you n-not wearing any clothes?!” She asked, staring at Lei Xing as her face turned red.
Lei Xing scoffed in disbelief as she sat up, definitely wide awake right now, ”You -! I see you've definitely grown up now. You even have the guts to assault me! You're not even scared!”Lei Xing scolded as she snatched the blanket back from Xiao Ting's hand in annoyance.
”Sorry...” Xiao Ting mumbled, holding her ear and lowering her head as her cheeks turned red, ”Jiejie, are you really sick? They said you were sick...” She backtracked, trying to smooth Lei Xing's ruffled feathers.
”They said I'm sick and you still came to disturb me...” Lei Xing scolded as she shuffled up the bed and leaned back on the headboard.
”I just thought - ” Xiao Ting started to defend, but just ended up saying, ”I was just worried.” She said looking at Lei Xing with her teary puppy dog eyes.
”Don't even try!” Lei Xing scolded and Xiao Ting promptly s.u.c.k.e.d back her tears with a pout. Satisfied that she would not have to deal with anyone's tears this ”morning”, Lei Xing sighed and answered her question, ”I'm not sick, just had a bit of hangover...” She said, massaging her temple.
Seeing that Lei Xing was not angry and was clearly rising up, Xiao Ting smiled and moved closer to her, ”Jiejie, what's a hangover?”
Lei Xing looked at her happy face for a second, then narrowed her eyes at her and pushed her head away with a finger, ”Clearly none of your business...” They had both been drinking the same alcohol but Xiao Ting still had the energy to be jumping about and looking for trouble. Clearly, this world was unfair. But then again, she probably drank way more than Xiao Ting.
Xiao Ting pouted and was about to speak but suddenly knit her brows as her eyes fixed on a spot on Lei Xing's shoulder and then traced to another on her neck and then her c.h.e.s.t and Xiao Ting could not help asking, ”Jiejie, are you okay? There's spo-” She suddenly froze for a few seconds and then hurriedly looked away as she said, ”Jiejie, you should cover up.”
Lei Xing raised an eyebrow at Xiao Ting, wondering what was suddenly wrong with the girl, ”What are you shy about? Aren't we both girls?”