Chapter 356 - Fervent Farewell (1/2)
”You want to leave the palace?” Lei Xing asked with raised eyebrows, taken aback. Lei Xing had been unable to sleep and after tossing and turning for a while, she had called someone in to get a book for her. Ah Jin came, gave her book, and then informed that she had a request and here they were.
”Yes... You once told me, you said release me from the palace if I wished it so... I wish it now. Please grant my wish.” Ah Jin said with a bow.
Lei Xing took a deep breath and then blurted out, ”Why?” Then she quickly added, ”I mean, it's not like I don't want to, it's just... curious...”
Ah Jin knit her brows and thought for a bit before awkwardly saying, ”I would like to go live with my family.”
”Family? I thought you said you had no one? You grew up with my family, did you just locate your family then?” Lei Xing skeptically asked with a raised eyebrow.
”Ahhh... yes. We just met.” Ah Jin awkwardly responded again.Find authorized novels in , faster updates, better experience, Please click for visiting.
Lei Xing quietly scrutinized her for a bit, before raising her eyebrows and declaring, ”I want to meet them -”
”Ah?!” Ah Jin exclaimed, ”Why?”
”To make sure you're not being swindled.” Lei Xing flatly said and then watched on with masked amus.e.m.e.nt as Ah Jin looked down, her eyes started spinning and cold sweat started to form on her forehead.
Ah Jin had really not expected to be questioned like this. Doctor Lou had said that Lei Xing would not care one way or another, all she had to do was ask to leave and Lei Xing would simply dismiss her. Therefore, well, Doctor Lu knew Lei Xing a lot better than she did, so she went along with him and obviously did not prepare any excuse!
Doctor Lou had come last night to see her, to inform her of a few changes to the, um, operations.
Doctor Lou had to leave to see to Xiao Ying's condition. Honestly, Ah Jin had no idea where Xiao Ying got this hare-brained idea of hers. She had thought the girl understood and had gone to go sulk somewhere or perhaps, even moved on from all this. So Ah Jin had been really surprised when Doctor Lou showed up with her like that... Honestly, this father and daughter pair would probably be the death of her.
As for the operational changes, since Doctor Lou had to leave, Ah Jin was now assigned to following the Empress dowager and the monk. As soon as they neared the Taohua temple, she was to alert him immediately and was not to engage. He also warned her to be careful not to alert the monk of her presence.
Ah Jin was honestly glad for the change of pace, being in the palace has been so restricting and honestly, boring. But still, she was curious about why he was suddenly so interested in the Empress dowager and this monk, but as it had been from the beginning of these ”covert operation”, he did not want to divulge anything and said he was simply ”curious” and warned her not to slack off.
This meant that her task of ”minding” Lei Xing was officially finally over. Ah Jin had asked what would happen with her current role - he did tend to forget the ”minor details” of things while planning. In true Doctor Lou fashion, he waved it off and said to ”forget about insignificant matters”.
In his own words, the three of them - Lei Xing, Jun Kai, and Jun Shan, could go run themselves headfirst into a volcano, he apparently no longer cared. He was too busy. Although there was one more thing he needed Lei Xing and the Emperor to achieve before their volcano dive.
”You know, you're a really bad liar...” Lei Xing said, bringing Ah Jin out of her panicked stupor and she began fidgeting even more.
Lei Xing sighed, ”Relax, you are no prisoner here. I am simply asking out of concern for you... So tell me, why are you really leaving?” Ah Jin hesitated, her mind reeling searching for a plausible excuse.
”Are you in a relationship?” Lei Xing asked, inquisitively asked and Ah Jin became even more fl.u.s.tered as she shook her head, ”No - ah, no, that-”
Lei Xing snorted and then said, ”It's alright if you are. I will ensure you marry you off in style -” Lei Xing suddenly paused and frowned, ”Wait, don't tell me you're planning to elope? Is the person a noble or something? If that's the case, there is no need to worry. We can simply adopt you into our family. I am sure my parents will have no problem with that and even if they do then, I can have the Emperor elevate your status, no one would dare to look down on y -”
”No, that's really not it!” Ah Jin finally exclaimed at her wit's end, ”It's really not it. I - I...I just want a change of pace. The truth is... It's just that when you asked before, you had just entered the palace, your future was uncertain and you had no allies here, I couldn't just leave you like that, alone here. But now...” Ah Jin finally looked up at Lei Xing, finding her confidence in the truth, ”You have found your rightful place here and I can leave knowing that you will be alright.” She finished with a smile.
Lei Xing was right, she was a terrible liar. Therefore, she spoke the truth. This was the reason Doctor Lou had instructed her to stay even after Xiao Ying left - at least this was the main reason, or well, the only one Ah Jin acknowledged. The other reason was to spy on Lei Xing and the Emperor to ensure things went ”smoothly”. But of course, Ah Jin had no idea how Doctor Lou had expected her to bring those two together, so she did little to nothing on that front.
Moreover, she did not want to do anything that will bring her trouble later on. It was still alright to be a passive bystander while Doctor Lou played about. They could understand that there was not much she could do to stop her master from doing whatever he wants.
Lei Xing scrutinized Ah Jin for a while and then finally sighed, ”Alright, if there is really nothing then you may leave tomorrow if you will. I will arrange some things for you to take and well, if you ever need anything, all you have to do is ask...” She finished with a little pout.