Chapter 312 - Unthinking Revelation (1/2)

”So?” Prince Yi prodded with a frown after the doctor had spent a longer than necessary period of time checking Princess Nalan's pulse.

Prince Yi had initially wanted doctor Lou to verify the potency of his medicine himself but the doctor seemed to have traveled or something. So Tian Ji found him this backup plan who claimed to also be an ”expert ”in the affairs of pregnancy.

Prince Yi had this doctor ready for a few days now but he just had to work out how to go about getting Princess Nalan tested without seeming suspicious. After all, suspicion would be a bad way to start a possibly lifetime arrangement that is marriage.

Anyway, here they were. He had done his part but this ”expert” was here looking confused.

The doctor knit his brows and c.o.c.ked his head to the side, before releasing Princess Nalan's wrist and bowing his head, ”Well...I can't be sure-”

”Can't be sure of what?” Prince Yi interjected, his frown deepening.

”Am I sick? ...It wouldn't be something incurable, right?” Princess Nalan asked knitting her brows in concern. She had heard of healthy people starting out like this with something small and then suddenly dropping down with a severe illness a few hours later.

”Ah, no, nothing like that...” The doctor swiftly reassured and then went on to say, ”It's just that it's very weak, but it should be nothing to worry about. It's probably because it's very early on. It's a bit unusual you're getting this symptom so early on as well but it should be nothing of concern, the adjustment might just be a bit stressful on your body hence the symptoms coming in earlier -”

”Symptom? What's wrong with me?” Princess Nalan asked in confusion, this doctor was talking in confusing circles.

The Doctor blinked at her and then realized she was not aware and then bowed with a smile, ”Congratulations Your highness, you are pregnant...”

Princess Nalan's eyes went wide and she froze, while Prince Yi knit his brows when he saw her appalled expression.

This was not the reaction he was expecting, and it was a bit - just a bit upsetting. He had thought that she liked him and so would be happy to hear that she was pregnant but her expression right now held no happiness. He could only see panic, confusion, worry...and maybe even regret.

It seems his suspicion was right, she saw him as a simple summer's fling, one she would quickly forget in a few days.

Of course, she did not actually like him. This was the reason she never asked him about his intentions for them or anything...They never had a serious conversation because she had no need for one. She was simply enjoying the thrill of an affair, using him to entertain herself with the intention of discarding him once she left.

This was upsetting.

When no one spoke, the doctor glanced at the two dark expressions in front of him and then went on to add, ”I can prescribe something to help re-”

”That's enough, leave.” Prince Yi interjected.

The doctor blinked up at Prince Yi and quickly got the clue that this was not the news that the couple wanted. He did not understand why the prince would be upset that one of his wives was pregnant with the first royal child of this next generation. Regardless of his thoughts, the doctor decided to quickly retrace his steps so as not to lose the favor that had landed on his lap so instead of leaving, he said, ”As I said, it is still very early and so I cannot be certain sand even if it is so, I have medicine to abo-”

”I said leave.” Prince Yi sternly ordered, shutting up the doctor before he could say something to ruin things for him. Tian Ji swiftly yanked the doctor up and dragged him off, as the maid smartly followed along, leaving Prince Yi and Princess Nalan alone to talk.

The two sat silently for a while, Princess Nalan digesting the shocking information while Prince Yi was upset about the fact that she was upset over this news. He was not interested in the idea of forcing a woman to be with him. Obviously, if she had not shown interest in him, he would not have forced himself on her.

But regardless of his annoyance now, he still had to persuade her that this was not such a bad idea. It was already too late to turn back and he would not allow her to terminate his child. That would be too cruel. Even if she did not want to anymore, he would still go ahead with his plan.

But obviously it would be best for both their sakes if they were both on board with the program.