Chapter 223 - Welcome to the A.d.u.l.t Club (1/2)
Xiao Ting was currently kneeling in the middle of the hall receiving blessings from their great-aunt, a grey-haired woman of eighty-five leaning on a cane. The old woman had long lost her husband and two sons in battle and since then she had lived a recluse life in a manor in the countryside. The last time the Lei family saw her was two years ago when she came over for Lei Xing's coming of age ceremony.
Lei Yong covertly glanced around the room full of people and his eyes settle on Prince Yi who was standing across from him and he slightly knit his brows. Prince Yi had come along with Princess Nalan, Prince Rui and Molin. It did not occur to Lei Yong that Xiao Ting's invitation to the Zou siblings would have extended to Prince Yi. If he knew, he would have told her not to give out the invite....then again, she did not have a chance to consult him on it.
Lei Yong had been intently watching Prince Yi since he arrived, he had given curt disinterested responses to anyone who approached him. And he had been continuously glancing around as if he was searching for something. It was suspicious.
Now Prince Yi was trying but failing to contain the irritated expression on his face and it was obvious that he did not want to be here. This made Lei Yong curious about why he even bothered to come, he could have easily made an excuse to avoid it. There was no way he was here trying to cozy up to the Lei family like the other guests might be interested. With the way things stood, it was impossible for them to ever support him and he knew that.
Lei Yong inwardly sighed, Prince Yi was obviously not hurting anyone by being here but his motivations were very unclear and it was disconcerting. Lei Yong dragged his eyes from prince Yi and roamed past the other guests.
{...There are way too many young men here...What do they think they're doing coming for this sort of thing? -_-)'...}
These people were way too eager. Xiao Ting just turned fifteen today and these mothers already brought their sons here hoping for the prospect of marriage. The Lei family, well Lei Yong at least was not eager to see Xiao Ting married off. Lei Xing was already gone, so he felt he should at least be able to spend some more time with Xiao Ting, at home.
There were also quite a number of young girls here, but Lei Yong's mind did not bother to contemplate their motives. He glanced around and then noticed Lei Xing peeking in from the corner of the door and blinked. Before he could contemplate what she was doing, he then saw Tung Mei's head peek in from Lei Xing's side and then quickly disappear.
Tung Mei's heart jumped up to her throat when she met Lei Yong's eyes and she immediately drew back. Lei Yong narrowed his eyes at the spot, questioning whether he was seeing things or not.
{...Was that -? I could have -...}
Lei Yong then saw Lei Xing peek in again and then pursed his lips.
{...Was I mistaken? Anyway, what is she doing stealing glances from outside?...}
Then he looked at Xiao Ting and their great aunt in the center of the room and understood. If Lei Xing came in right now, it would disrupt the ceremony as everyone would have to stop to greet her and it would take away attention from Xiao Ting's moment.
Lei Yong's eyes settled back on Lei Xing's peeking corner and he narrowed his eyes. He saw Lei Xing, but he was trying to look beyond her, still not fully convinced that he had seen wrong.
Meanwhile, outside. Lao Wang apologized and explained the situation to Lei Xing. Her parents originally planned to wait for Lei Xing to arrive. But then when she had still not arrived and the auspicious hour was almost up, they had no choice but to begin the ceremony.
Lao Wang apologized on their behalf but Lei Xing was not offended at all and just continued watching the scene with a little smile on her face.
After Tung Mei's heart calmed down, she turned to Lei Xing and saw her expression. Tung Mei then knit her brows, ”Xing jie, you like this?”
Lei Xing turned to her with raised eyebrows, ”What's there not to like?”
Tung Mei pursed her lips and then asked, ”You don't think it's a hassle?”
Lei Xing blinked and then knit her brows in thought, it was an interesting question. Personally, she had no interest in events like these for herself. But this was one of those events that she considered for the family and so she would smile and try to enjoy the event. It was definitely a hassle, but one she could indulge.
”It is...but it's nice.” Lei Xing finally responded with a light shrug. Tung Mei blinked at Lei Xing several times as if she could not compute Lei Xing's response. Lei Xing raised an eyebrow at her and wondered what was wrong with her now.
Lao Wang behind them smiled and then quietly informed, ”The Madame was very disappointed that she could not celebrate your fifteenth birthday like this that year, so she put even more effort for the younger Miss's day.”
Lei Xing glanced at Ah Jin and Ah Jin quickly explained, ”You were ill at the time, so the ceremony was done with just the family.”
”It seems I misunderstood.” Tung Mei mumbled under her breath, lowering her head with a pout.
Lei Xing glanced at Tung Mei and then let out a breath and turned back to the scene inside. Tung Mei was related to that quack doctor, so her being weird and in her own absurd world was now considered normal to Lei Xing.