Chapter 216 - Ardour (1/2)

The next day.

Lei Xing had originally planned to leave early so she would have enough to spend at each of her stops. But then she woke up and was notified that the Emperor ordered that she wait for his return from Court.

Lei Xing frowned but even if she was worried that he still wanted to come along, she could not outrightly disobey his orders and runoff. It would be super suspicious, not to mention asking for unnecessary friction in their now wonderful relationship. And she understood it was all out of worry for her, so she had no choice but to wait for him to return so she could reassure him some more.

So Lei Xing decided to go see Li Ru to while away the time. Unlike Lei Xing, Li Ru was an early riser and was incredibly happy to see Lei Xing, and on seeing her she immediately bowed and congratulated her. Lei Xing quickly stopped her bow and brushed it off, this whole congratulations thing was nerve-racking. To shift the conversation, Lei Xing apologized for being unable to visit the day before with the excuse that she was not feeling well.

Of course, the actual reason was because of a pouting Emperor who apparently had nowhere else to be yesterday. If she hinted at leaving, the Emperor did not protest but just simply looked at her with this adorable puppy-like expression that Lei Xing could not deny.

So she ended up reading with him until dinner time and at that point, she could not imagine being anywhere else but the bed. She took a quick bath and then crawled into the bed and the Emperor promptly crawled in after her, itching for some fun and then coerced her into participating with that same puppy expression.

Lei Xing sighed as she recalled over the Emperor's behavior the day before.

{...He was definitely pulling that face on purpose...I shouldn't spoil him too much...}

{...*He spoils you INCREDIBLY much ( ≖_≖)...}

{...Well, I never asked him to~ ヽ( ̄~ ̄ )ノ...}

{...*tsk, tsk, tsk, It has always been this way...}

Lei Xing raised an eyebrow.

{...What has?...}

{...*The one who loves more, suffers most...Be nicer to him! You ungrateful brat! >_

Lei Xing snorted and rolled her eyes.

”Is everything alright?” Li Ru asked as she refilled Lei Xing's cup of tea.

”I'm fine.” Lei Xing replied with a smile, ”Oh, by the way, I'm going out today, do you want anything?” She usually brought back souvenirs or random items for Li Ru whenever she went out. It had become a bit of habit to get Li Ru things.

Even though Li Ru had a sizable allowance that came with her position, having not grown up with much, she never felt the urge to use any of it or thought to ask for anything. She still felt she could not.

While Lei Xing was usually not an avid shopper when it came to herself, she always enjoyed buying things for her younger brother in her old life, and random things would pop at her whenever she was out. She did not always buy because she was reasonable with her spending but on occasion, she would indulge these urges.

And with no younger brother, her attentions seem to have fixated on Li Ru as a little sister. While she did not have much time to bond with her ”actual” little sister, Xiao Ting, she had plenty of time with Li Ru and had picked up the habit of spoiling Li Ru. Lei Xing would buy things for her and share whatever she had. She even filled Li Ru's study with books after she noticed Li Ru wistfully admiring Lei Xing's upgraded study a while ago.

Li Ru smiled at Lei Xing and shook her head, ”I already have plenty, just enjoy your visit with your family.” She finished with a smile.

Lei Xing sighed, ”Don't worry very soon, I'll take you touring around the city.” Lei Xing had always wanted to take her around the city with her. But in the past, she thought she could not ask for it. Now that she knew the Emperor would definitely agree to the request, but she could not take her along today for two reasons.

First, she needed to talk to Doctor Lou and did not feel comfortable having Li Ru wait in the carriage alone. And secondly, she was going home for a celebration and there would be guests around and with how shy Li Ru was, it would be an awkward environment for her.

Therefore, today was not ideal, their tour will have to wait.

The Emperor finally sent an eunuch to get Lei Xing and she returned to her palace, eager to start her day.