Chapter 143 - Generous Smack (1/2)

Lei Xing sat there staring at the passing crowd for a while and then sighed.

{...Well, this is boring -_-)...I'm not sure which is better, getting shoved around in a crowd or sitting here watching said crowd...Someone should at least fight or something, it's so dead here -_-)...}

She glanced at Prince Yi to find him looking at her and slightly knit her brows and asked, ”Better?”

Prince Yi blinked then shook his head, they had not even said anything yet. ”A bit more time.” Lei Xing then pursed her lips, nodded and looked back to the crowd.

Prince Yi lightly sighed then knit his brows in thought, after a while he asked, ”What made you want to come here?”

”It's interesting.” Lei Xing responded without thought.

”You don't seem to like the crowd though.” Prince Yi commented on his observation. She seemed to be as unhappy as he was about meandering through the crowd.

”It's a busy day I guess.” Lei Xing offhandedly responded, still not glancing his way.

”True...” Prince Yi said and then knit his brows in thought again. Lei Xing cast a quick glance his way and then inwardly sighed.

{...I think you would recover faster if you were quiet. Also, why do you need so much time, it was a cooked bug, I  think? Regardless, your stomach seems too delicate -_-)...}

”I heard you say you were sick as a child.” Prince Yi spoke up again.

”Apparently.” Lei Xing responded as she rolled her eyes in the other direction. This was definitely not a topic of interest.

{...I would rather talk about how dark the sky is -_-)...}

”Apparently?” Prince Yi asked with a raised eyebrow.

”Yes, I was.” Lei Xing dismissively responded. She was not in the mood for conversation, especially not on a topic like this. She honestly wanted to return but she had no idea where Princess Nalan and her tails had run off to. She had a feeling she would be here for quite a while.

”What was it?” Prince Yi then asked and Lei Xing glanced at him with a raised eyebrow, ”What was what?”

”What was your ailment?” Prince Yi clarified.

Lei Xing knit her brows, it was none of his business and she was really not in the mood for this sort of questionnaire. There was nothing wrong with sitting in silence. ”I'd rather not talk about this.” Lei Xing flatly responded and turned back to the crowd.

Prince Yi frowned and looked at her demeanor, it was clear she did not want to talk about this but there was one thought that popped in his mind and so he blurted out without much consideration, ”Does he know?”

Lei Xing turned back to him and confusedly asked, ”What?”

Prince Yi's frown deepened, he hesitated for a bit and then firmly asked, ”Does my brother know?”

Lei Xing blinked then narrowed her eyes at him, stunned. Then she frowned and flatly said, ”I don't think that's any of your business.”

Prince Yi blinked, a bit taken aback by her response and then snickered in a self-mocking manner and said, ”That's true...I was needlessly curious.”

Lei Xing did not say anything and faced forward, still frowning.

{...Should I just leave him here? He's an a.d.u.l.t, I'm sure he'll survive -_-)...Too mean? But it's not like I asked him to eat the crap, I'm sure I could have handled that stupid occasionally hare-brained princess if he didn't butt in -_-)'...}

Lei Xing sighed and made up her mind and stood up. Prince Yi immediately frowned at her and she said, ”I think it's still better I get the servants to help you.” Before Prince Yi could open his mouth to protest, she swiftly turned and walked into the crowd.

She had not gotten far, when a generous merchant standing on his table suddenly shouted, ”To celebrate a successful yield this year, here's a token of appreciation to all of you for coming out!” He finished and then tossed a chest of money into the crowd then swiftly bent over and hurled another one out.