Chapter 93 - Acknowledgement (1/2)

The Emperor looked at Lei Xing's confused face and sighed, ”Come sit down.”

Lei Xing hesitantly walked forward and looking at the setting in the pavilion. She realized that this was definitely the wrong setting.

The Emperor was sitting on a cushion with a table in front of him, and another cushion was set on the other side of the table. He was holding a book and on the table were several scrolls. As Lei Xing sat down, she did not know whether to laugh or cry.

{...Xiao Ruo! I am going to kill you! T_T)...This looks look like a study session not a make-out session! What the hell?! >_

Lei Xing lowered her eyes, avoiding eye contact and feeling incredibly embarrassed. After a while of the Emperor not saying anything, Lei Xing pulled her eyes up and caught him staring at her and quickly lowered her head, feeling even more embarrassed.

She then used her hands to brush her hair to the front to dr.a.p.e over her chest. Then she heard the Emperor snort and then chuckle. Lei Xing clenched her fists in her lap, suppressing the urge to break something.

{...I feel like a freaking idiot right now!... That girl is so fired!... Okay, maybe not. BUT I'm never listening to her again! T_T)...}

”So do you have any questions?” The Emperor asked smiling at Lei Xing, who did not look up and simply mumbled, ”No.”

”Did you read the book?”

Lei Xing blinked.

{...Book? What bo- Shit! I forgot about that...So that's what I'm doing here. It is a study session and I forgot my freaking homework. Great -_-)...}

Lei Xing glanced up at the Emperor, who was looking at her with a raised eyebrow and then she awkwardly answered, ”I apologize. I got sidetracked.”

Then she thought for a bit and suggested, ”Since this is the case, let's reschedule the lesson for another day, I will definitely be sure to be properly prepared...How about tomorrow?”

The Emperor dropped the book on the table and said, ”It's fine...I'll just summarize.”

Lei Xing inwardly groaned. The Emperor then began to explain the art of meditation while Lei Xing was just frowning at the book on the table, which she realized was another copy of the book he gave her.

”Any questions?” The Emperor paused and asked. Lei Xing looked up at him, quietly for a while and then said, ”You don't have to do all this, you know. If it's j-”

”Read this.” The Emperor cut her off with a smile, handing a scroll over to her.

Lei Xing let out a slight sigh, took the scroll, opened it and went ahead to read, while occasionally casting disgruntled glances at the Emperor, who was reading another scroll.

”Read.” The Emperor said after Lei Xing's nth glance. Lei Xing immediately looked down at the scroll, knitting her brows and stopped looking up.

{...I'm confused, very confused -_-)'...Does he really have nothing better to do?...}

”Focus.” The Emperor added.

Lei Xing jumped, raised the scroll and quickly started reading with a disgruntled frown.

After she finished, he then asked her to explain what she understood from it. Lei Xing explained and then the Emperor smiled and nodded, ”As anticipated, you have great capacity for learning.”

Lei Xing was greatly pleased, restraining the urge to break out in a wide grin, ”Thank you for the praise.”

{...You, my friend, have great vision hahaha...}

”Here.” He said handing her the one he just read.

Lei Xing happily took it, read it and then explained. Then simply waited for her praise. This time, he simply handed her another one without looking up from the one he was reading.

She frowned as she took it, her disgruntled mood returned. After going through this a few times, Lei Xing was becoming increasingly annoyed and was covertly staring daggers at the Emperor. He was o longer saying anything and was just reading, listening and handing her scrolls.


Lei Xing disgruntedly looked down.

{...Does he have eyes on the top of his head? How the hell does he know?... Also, I don't need supervised reading. I'm not a child, neither am I your pet project -_-)...More importantly, isn't meditation is about self-discovery? Shouldn't I be sitting down, eyes shut, emptying my mind or whatever?... Do you even know what you're teaching?!...}

After Lei Xing finished and explained the one she was on and he handed her another. She frowned, took it and then put it on the table, ”I thought we were supposed to be practicing meditation?”