Chapter 46 - Floating Illusions (1/2)

Lei Xing felt the view was truly breathtaking, she had always wanted to see this and it was even better than she imagined being in the middle of it. She had always wanted to experience this and even looked into visiting Thailand during its Light festival, but never got around to it, it was one of the many things she never got a chance to do...and one of the many things she planned to do once she had her career settled and satisfied her ambitious spirit and bank account. She sighed as she thought of all the things she set aside for the future, for the sake of working hard because money had to be made and she had a hard time turning down any opportunity that came her way for it and was often criticized for it...

...What was the point of all that stress now? I should have had more fun...Actually, considering the cruise was supposed to be ”fun”...Maybe less fun was the way...

”Is something wrong?” Li Ru asked looking at Lei Xing with raised eyebrows hearing Lei Xing's depressed sigh.

Lei Xing blinked and turned to her, ”No, no...everything's fine. It's beautiful.” She finished with a smile and looked back up at the sky filled with floating lanterns. Li Ru also turned back to the sky as well, taking in the view, it was also her first time seeing this, as they never did this in her city.

Tung Mei who was still standing with them looked at Lei Xing's captivated expression and then glanced back up at the sky of lanterns, ”tch it's okay, we've seen better.”

Lei Xing was immersed in the sky scene and was no longer paying attention to her surroundings, seeing the departing lanterns made her feel oddly nostalgic, and she recalled fond memories of her past life, her family, her friends...the life she was no longer part of...

...I wonder what they are all doing now?... If time passes the same there, they should have heard by now...

As that thought crossed Lei Xing's mind, her eyes welled up and two teardrops escaped down her face, and she quickly lifted up a hand and covertly wiped them away. She looked on transfixed at the departing lanterns that seemed to represent the beautiful things she had lost and can no longer regain. Lei Xing took a deep breath and then laughed to herself.

...This is not how envisioned my lantern release experience going...I was supposed to be at Thailand's Light festival taking beautiful shots with my phone hahaha...

Lei Xing's face at this time was full of smiles, and she was trying hard to restrain herself from laughing out loud...if she didn't laugh, she would end up crying, and laughter had always been her emotion of choice at times like these, it was all she could do. The next moment, Tung Mei hugged Lei Xing's arm, Lei xing instinctively froze and turned to look at her with raised eyebrows, Tung Mei smiled at her and then looked back up to the sky. Lei Xing knit her brows and looked at her, perplexed and then sighed and looked back up at the sky solemnly.

After the lanterns had floated far away, the celebration was over and concluded on farewells. When Lei Xing returned to her palace, she was in a stoic mood and just sat down quietly with her mind blank. After a long while, she glanced around the room and looked at Ah Jin and Xiao Ruo who had been standing there the whole time, and she suddenly recalled something.

”Ah Jin, are Tung Mei and I really friends?” Lei Xing asked looking at Ah Jin with a blank expression.

”Yes, your highness.” Ah Jin swiftly replied.

”Like sisters?”

”Yes, your highness.”

Lei Xing sighed and relaxed back in her chair, ”I see...and how did we meet?”

Ah Jin's knit her brows, hesitated and then glanced towards Xiao Ruo, Lei Xing followed her line of sight, ”Xiao Ruo, can you go have the bath ready please?”

Xiao Ruo complied, bowed and made her exit, glancing curiously at Ah Jin as she did. After the doors were closed on Xiao Ruo's exit, Lei Xing continued, ”Now you can talk.”

Ah Jin nodded and complied, ”You met her a few years ago when left the manor for a while.”

Lei Xing raised her eyebrows and asked, ”Alone?”


”How come?”

Ah Jin hesitated again, ” left by yourself.”

Lei Xing narrowed her eyes, ”Ran away?”

Ah Jin knit her brows again, ”Well, not left a note saying you will be returning soon.”

”I see...and how did I run into Tung Mei?”

Ah Jin's brows scrunched up even more, ”Ah...I'm not exactly sure, by the time I found you, you were already together.”

Lei Xing squinted at her, ”You found me?”

”Yes, your highness.”

”So you were looking for me?”

”Yes, your highness.”

”I thought you said I didn't run away and planned on returning, so why were you looking for me?” Lei Xing was staring fixedly at Ah Jin, who seemed to be quite nervous, which was unlike her usual self. Lei Xing scrutinized her and snorted to herself.

...Well, this seems quite interesting...

”Ah...I was worried.” Ah Jin responded.

”Worried about?” Lei Xing swiftly followed up.

”Ah...Well, were all alone outside the city...anything could happen to y-”

”I was outside the city? How did you know?” Lei Xing interjected.

”'s where I found you.”

”Okay...but how did you know to look outside the city? Also, although I don't remember much, I at least know that ”outside the city” is vast, so how did you find me?”

Ah Jin stared blankly at Lei Xing, who calmly staring fixedly on her, Lei Xing smirked, ”You knew where I was going, right?”

Ah Jin remained silent, so Lei Xing directly asked, ”So where was I going?”

Ah Jin blinked several times and explained, ”It was just a wrote you were going horse riding and I...I thought you would prefer to be out in the open, rather than a confined I...I guessed and instinct...and I got lucky, my guess was right.”

Lei Xing gave a short laugh, ”Okay, so where was I going?”

Ah Jin looked down and took a deep breath, Lei Xing scrutinized her and was amused.

...It seems she is getting irritated with this line of questioning...this is fun hahaha...

Ah Jin looked back up at Lei Xing, it seemed she had regained her usual calm composure and said, ”I really don't know where you were going...honestly, I met you on the way and we came back...and Miss Tung was there too.”

”Ahh, I wouldn't know then...” Lei Xing said nodding, ”You seem quite close to that Miss Tung...” Lei Xing said casting Ah Jin a questioning look that made it clear she was waiting for an explanation.

Ah Jin swiftly got on her knees and responded, ”We really are not close at all, she traveled back with us for a while...that is all there is to it, we don't have anything to do with each other.” She looked up at Lei Xing with imploring eyes, which to Lei Xing seemed like accusing eyes.

...tch, it's not like it's a crime to know her...Now it seems like I'm bullying you -_-)'...

Lei Xing sighed, this was no longer amusing and she was just about to tell Ah Jin to stand up, when the doors opened and Xiao Ruo ran into the room urgently, ”Your highness, your highness...”

Lei Xing looked at Xiao Ruo, ”Calm down, what is it?”

...Doesn't she get tired of always been so anxious about everything -_-)'...

Xiao Ruo bowed, ”I apologize, your highness, the emperor is waiting for you outside.”