Chapter 308 - Ace and Becca (1) (1/2)
-- Flashback to Chp. 300 --
The hotel door forced open and Ace entered the room. He quickly spotted CEO Huang but ignored him, walking over the dead body. He immediately rushed to Becca's side and put pressure on her wound.
”Stay with me, Becca.”
Becca glanced at the man who was next to her... somehow... it was the man she was not expecting.
”Kris...” Becca slowly muttered.
”Don't talk... you're bleeding really bad. Dammit!” Ace grabbed the bedsheets and ripped it. He quickly bandaged Becca's wound and slowly carried her.
He knew that he has to take her out of this place before the authorities arrived. Becca lost conscious by the time he got her down to his car, but Ace knew that Becca was still alive. Her pulse was weak but he can still save her if he was fast enough.
He quickly drove way past the speed limit but all the cops were headed toward the hotel so they all ignored his car.
It only took him less than 10 minutes before he arrived to the place he needed to be. He carried Becca's frail body and heavily knocked on the door.
After a few seconds, the door opened.
Ace immediately drew his gun and pointed it on the man's forehead. ”I need you to treat her now!” He demanded.
The man looked at Ace and then at the woman who was obviously on the brink of death.
”Come.... come inside.” The man opened wider for both of them. Ace carried Becca in and the man looked outside before closing the door. ”I'll go get the boss...”
The man hurriedly fled through a door and a few seconds afterward, a different man in a white coat came out.
”Ace, my man... how many times do I need to tell you to stop pointing your gun every time you walk in her.” The doctor spoke.
”I don't have time for chitchat... Aiden. I need you to save her now.”
”YOU! You can't call me by my name! It's DR. WHO!”
Ace pointed his gun at Dr. Who and didn't care what the doctor's name was.
Dr. Who sighed. ”Bring her to the surgery room.”
A few people came out and put Becca into a stretcher and rolled her through the doors. Dr. Who immediately blocked Ace from entering.
”You... stay here. You need to make sure you were not followed here. You know how this business work.”
Ace grunted but he stayed out here as the doctor also went through the doors. Ace looked at his bloody clothes that soaked in the blood from Becca. He took off his shirt and sat down on the chair... just waiting.
Ace looked at the time... hours have past but no one had come out even once to tell him about the situation. But, that could be considered something good right? It means that Becca was not dead yet.
After a few more hours, Dr. Who finally got out. He wiped his forehead and looked at Ace who was not one bit tired.
”She's fine now. I removed the bullet and stopped the bleeding. She's lucky that the bullet did not hit any major arteries or the heart.” Dr. Who spoke.
”Can I go see her now?” Ace asked.
”Hold your horses... You need to pay me first. I just saved her life... what kind of doctor do you think I am to be working free for you?!”
”Same account?” Ace grabbed his cellphone. He started punching in a few things and then brought the screen tho Dr. Who's face. ”This enough?”
Dr. Who smiled and nodded. He walked through the door and lead Ace to where Becca was resting.
When they entered the room, Ace looked at Becca's body that was resting on the bed.