Chapter 299 - You are relieved from your duty. (1/2)

Kris: On my signal.

Kris sent the message to Keso and then his mind went to focus on what he was going to cook for Lena. He had not learned any new recipes. Should he go for ramen...? No, Lena needed to eat something with good nutrients.

Lena finished getting dress and went out to see Kris standing helpless in the kitchen. He was just plainly staring at the ingredients in the refrigerator.

”Meat.” Lena shouted from behind him.

”Are you not tired of meat?” Kris was referring to his meat.

”Meat is good.” Lena walked over and picked up the pork ribs from the fridge. ”I'll be the master chef and you can be the assistance.”

Kris put his hand up and stepped away from the fridge. ”Ai, chef!”

With both of them cooking together, it did not take long until there was delicious food on the table.

After a good dinner and replenishing their energy, Lena went back out the rooftop and cleaned up there mess while Kris picked a movie for them to watch.

When Lena came back, she made sure to bring the scones that were left on the rooftop.

Lena cuddled in with Kris on the sofa and they watched a comedy movie. Half-way through, she was already dozing off and a few minutes later, Lena fell asleep.

Kris continued to watch the movie until it was finished. He knew that it was Lena's usually time to sleep since her sleep schedule was messed up. He carefully picked her up and brought her to the guestroom where the soft bed was.

He knew that Lena only liked sleeping on his bed if she just ended up there to be with him.

”Goodnight, Lena.” He kissed her on the forehead, the nose, and the lips before leaving the room and closing the door.

He looked at his watch to see what time it was. If Lena was napping, she would wake up in about three hours... so he had three hours to come back.

He walked up the stairs to go back up the rooftop. He rolled up his sleeves and hit the button hidden in the hot tube to access his secret area where he kept his guns.

The room was barely lit but he knew where he kept everything. He walked up to a cabinet, unlocked it and took out a case. He placed the case on the table, opened it and inspect the weapon.


He closed it back and up exited the room.

Just in case Lena woke up and he was not around, he left her a note on the table. He grabbed his things, put on a jacket, and left the penthouse.

When he got into his car, he went into the passenger drawer and took out an earphone. He turned it on and then drove out.

”How's Alpha team?” Kris adjusted his earphone and microphone.

”In position.”

”And Becca?”

”Where she should be right now. Distracting CEO Huang.”

”Good.” Kris stepped on the gas.

After a good few minutes, he parked his car in an underground lot. He dragged out a suitcase and entered the elevator. He stopped at the 80th floor and knocked on a room.