Chapter 289 - Where are you? (1/2)
Lena doesn't know how long she had slept for... but she was still very tired. Her eyes were closed shut but somehow... she could hear a loud banging.
She ignored it but it continued to bang.
She rolled over, ignoring the sound again.
”Shen Qian?! Are you home?!” A voice shouted and the door continued to be banged on.
'Shen Qian.... yeah... such a beautiful name.' L ena smiled, her eyes still shut. 'Maybe I will name my daughter that.... Wait...'
Lena immediately opened her eyes. She jerked up from her bed... yes bed. Wasn't she at the hospital?
She looked around and noticed that she was in her room... Shen Qian's room. It was exactly how she left it... messy.
The room was tiny and the apartment too. Lena got up from the bed and looked at herself in the mirror.
'I am back....?' She touched her face. This was her face... round and cute, not pretty like Lena's. She looked at her body... this was her body. Smaller breasts, more worn out hands, and tiny fingers.
Lena suddenly squatted down, legs hugging her legs and her head on her knees.
”NO...No....” She whimpered. 'Wait... aren't I suppose to be dead?'
She stood up again, so confused and emotional. ' Is this... a dream?'
She pinched herself. Once, Twice. Three times but nothing was happening. The door was still getting banged at but she stared into space before suddenly ending up in front of her door.
Lena opened the door and she spotted him... No, not the man she was expecting but him, Senior Han.
”Shen Qian! I was about to call the police... Are you okay? I thought something bad happened to you. You haven't come to work for three days now.”
”Three days...? What is today's date?” Lena asked.
He replied to her and then looked at her concernedly. ”Do you want me to take you to the hospital?”
Lena was still in a daze... it has only been two days since Senior Han asked her out? What is going on? Is she in a dream...? Or had she been dreaming this whole time... Lena, Kris... Kris.
'Gary... Yes, that was right. He was here too wasn't he?'
”Did you drive here? Can you take me back to work?” Lena spoke.
”Uh... Yeah, I drove here... I can take you back. Why don't you get change first?”
”Ah, Yes. Give me a minute.” Lena shut the door on him, leaving him outside as she rushed to get change.
Lena rushed out when she was ready. Han Liu... that was his name, he drove her back to the workplace. He was concern about her the entire time, asking if she was sure she did not need to go to the hospital, but Lena was sure. She just wanted to see Gary... Erik.
When they got to the company, Lena rushed quickly to Erik's office. Without a warning, she opened his doors and walked right in. He was looking at some documents before his door as suddenly opened.
”Oh.. Little Qian Qian, are you back to work already?” Erik looked up from his paperwork.
Lena stopped and stared at him. ”Gary?”
”Gary?” Erik looked at Lena and then laugh. ”It's only been three days since you last saw me... did you already forget your boss' name?”
Lena put a hand on her forehead... she wasn't thinking straight. Of course, he is not Gary yet... the shooting did not happen until later. But that doesn't matter...