Chapter 287 - Fight Dirty with Dirty. (1/2)

”How are you going to deal with her now?” The man asked. ”If you keep it too long, she might even do something worse.”

”You're right. But somehow... I just think it's a little bit... too easy. Especially for someone like Becca who has done it multiple times.” Kris pondered. ”Keep doing your thing... I'll take care of things regarding Becca.”

”Yes, Boss....”

”Good. And Milo...” Kris looked out the window. ”Finish off that lawyer too while you are at it. I don't want to see her walking around throwing her authority again.”

”Absolutely. The case is still a slam dunk even without the witness. I won't fail you again, boss.”

Kris hung up te call and walked back to sit on the sofa as he waited for Lena to return. When she came back, she brough them some breakfast from the hospital cafeteria.

”I know it's not the best... But just a bit for the morning.” Lena handed Kris his plate of food. ”His parents will be flying and get here by tonight.”

”And you?”

”I would love to stay... but it's no use staying here anyways. I got to go to court today and kill some b*tches. I didn't think it was so serious that they needed to kill someone. I guess... I underestimated the situation.”

”I'll put some of my men with you.” Kris added.

”Don't you already have someone always stalking me...?”

”Hmmm?” Kris responded. ”I don't. But just this time... It would make me feel better.”

”Ok.” Lena used her fork to grab a slice of melon and brought it to Kris' mouth. He opened it and took in the fruit.

”There is something... but I don't want to tell you about it. I just want your trust in me.”  Kris suddenly threw a hard topic into their lovely breakfast.

”I don't like the sound of that... that's what people say before they go do something dangerous and then I am going to get a widow phonecall that my husband is dead or injured.”

Kris laughed... like he legitly laughed. He stopped looking at Lena as he held his stomach and continued to laugh.

”It's not funny....” Lena looked at him and smiled. Her beautiful man looked so much better when he was laughing and smiling, being all happy.

Compare to how he was when she first met him, she liked him better like this. But it will always be that dangerous and alluring side of him that she fell in love with.

Kris finally stopped and held Lena's hand. She looked into her eyes, and softly asked her, ”Will you trust me on this?”

”I will always trust you. And, I will always love you, no matter what.”

”You can punish me as much as you want afterward...” Kris smiled. He went closer to Lena and planted a soft kiss on her lips.

He was going to go in for another one, but was interrupted by the ringing of Lena's phone. Lena looked at the caller ID and then picked it up.

”What is it?” She answered.

”The opposing team have pushed the first hearing from this afternoon to one hour from now.” Milo spoke.