Chapter 285 - Surrounded by hot men. (1/2)

”Lawyer Hu...” Nina smiled.

She knew that Lena had Milo Hu and Jackson Smith as her team of lawyers, but how did Connor Park from the Zhao corporation get here too? Connor has a big success rate as the other lawyers.

Nina did not think that Lena was such a cunning lady that need to have so many men around her. 'Lena must be very good in bed.... it will only be soon when I will expose her.' Nina showed no fear of the three men.

”I didn't think Miss. Shen that many lawyers to defend her? Doesn't that only show how much she is using money and power to win this case?” A reporter pointed out.

”Money..? Power...?” Milo laughed. ”I don't even represent the Shen company. I am an independent and private lawyer... it takes more than just money and power to get me into a stupid case like this. Anyone with good eyes can see who is duping who.”

”shouldn't you leave that for the court to decide?” Nina interrupted him.

”Yes, indeed, Lawyer Long. My team will see you at the first hearing tomorrow at noon. Good luck.” The three of them walked past Nina as she just stood there and watched them go inside.

She needs to hurry back and make sure her evidence is strong and has no flaws. She entered her car as her driver drove her back to the Long Law Firm.

On the way there, she immediately called someone.

”What happened?!” Nina shouted over the phone.

”What happened? I should ask you what happened instead?!” A man's voice shouted back.

”You were supposed to make sure the Zhao did not get involved in this. That was part of our deal.”

”Deal? You said that your family will have my back, and yet, when my father went to show me around the company yesterday, all he did was remind me that I  must work hard to support Ming Zhao when he takes over the company!”

”You're so useless. My family support you yet you can't even do one thing right... what makes you think that you can even take over the Zhao company, Mike?”

”Don't test my patience woman.” Mike threatened.

”Forget it, I can still win the case with another lawyer on her team.”

”Aren't you overestimating yourself? Lena isn't even pulling the full card, she's just playing softly on you. If she wanted to, she would have the Li Legal team defending her, yet she went for second rate lawyers.”

”Tsk...” Nina bit her nails and she contemplates how to deal with this. ”I will just go with plan B.”

”You have a plan B?”

”Of course.” Nina smiled. ”I would still need your help though.”

”Why would I help you?”

”Becuase I know where your brother is hiding your wife and child. If you want that information, you need to help me.”